


美式发音: [jeɪ] 英式发音: [jeɪ]






1.(表示满意)吔used to show that you are very pleased about sth

I won! Yay!吔,我赢了!


1.这么;那么;多么to this degree

The fish I caught was yay big.我钓的鱼有这么大呢。

2.非常;极其to a high degree

Yay good movie!非常棒的电影!

1.耶 Catch! 接住! Yay! ! Good catch! 好球! ...

2.好耶 ... Oh,wow,look at that. 哦,瞧啊。 -Penny:Yay. 好耶。 ...

3.因高兴而欢呼 /yawn( 呵欠) /yay因高兴而欢呼) /v help( 帮助) ...

4.哇 ever after: 从此以后 yay: (欢呼) accidents: 事故 ...

5.阿阿 My Libido 性欲 Yay,a denial 是的,我拒绝 Come As You Are 保持本色歌 …

7.啊啊啊让我通贩啊啊啊(YAY)!!!!!!!!!!!!!2011/9/9 上午3:25   冥王星男爵 : 在这里公然要求黑箱作业太嚣张啦!


1.And then I can make it into some sort of melody and I'll improvise it. Wow, a volunteer, yay!然后我就可以把它即兴编成一个旋律哇,一个志愿者,好耶!

2.so people would learn how to read maps better. -Yay! I've gotta tell you, that was the perfect answer!这样人们就会了解如何更好地阅读地图。-耶!我应该告诉你,这是一个完美的回答!

3.tell me what you think , yay or nay?告诉我你到底怎样想的,是还是不是?

4.You'll get an extra dollar just for a good attitude. Yay, McDonald 's! Wear the hat. It's incredible!你只会为你良好的工作态度而额外获得一美元。是啊,麦当劳!戴帽子。这是难以置信的!

5."Yay! " she yelled. Kathleen knew that the crashing sound meant that Mark had found his present.她高呼,凯萨琳知道那撞击声表示马克已经发现了他的礼物。

6.I time out. tomorrow I'm going (to) take ring, necklace and ear rings and tomorrow thursday yay!我被罚站。明天我要带戒指、项链和耳环(去学校),明天就是星期四了,耶!

7.Try to imagine a high school Bruce Wilps screaming, "yippee ki-yay, motherfucker! "想像一下上高中的布鲁斯·威利斯大喊:“当里个当,草泥马!”

8.I remembered that childpke yay, and I smiled the second I heard it.我记得有一个孩子气的耶声,当我再次听到我又笑了。

9." " Krugman's popcy seems geared to pmit comments to "Yay Dr. K! " "Way to go! " "Keynes was right! " etc.“克鲁格曼的政策似乎有把评论限制在‘耶,克博士!’,‘继续前进!’,‘凯恩斯始终正确!’等等的意思。”

10.Yay for girls who don't try desperately hard to always be prim, proper and pretty.对于那些不试图努力的不顾一切的女孩,她们总是整洁,正确和漂亮。