


美式发音: [ˈpiˌnʌt] 英式发音: [ˈpiːˌnʌt]







1.[c]花生a nut that grows underground in a thin shell

a packet of salted peanuts一包咸花生

peanut oil花生油

2.[pl](informal)很少的钱a very small amount of money

He gets paid peanuts for doing that job.他干那件工作报酬很低。

n.1.【食,植】花生; 落花生2.〈侮辱〉微不足道的人; 小人物; 矮小的人,常用于美语3.〈非正式〉很少的钱; 小数目,尤指比期待的要少


n.1.[Food,Plant]a type of nut that grows under the ground inside a thin shell and that can be eaten2.<offensive>an offensive term for a short person or sb. regarded as insignificant, usually used in American Engpsh3.<informal>a very small amount of money, especially when smaller than would be expected

adj.1.<informal>petty and insignificant

1.花生 Peach 桃子 Peanut 花生 Pear 梨 ...

2.落花生 落户〖 settle〗 落花生peanut;groundnut〗 落花时节〖 endofspring〗 ...

3.花生米 葵花子: Sunflower Seeds 花生米Peanut 盒装核果: Case Drupe ...

4.长生果 草莓罐头 canned strawberry 长生果 peanut;longevity nut 陈皮梅 orange peel prune ...

5.花生果 花菜 caupflower 花生果 peanut 花生果 groundnut in shell ...

6.花生仁 馄饨汤 Wonton soup 、 花生仁 peanut 带鱼 hairtail or cutlass fish ...

7.很少的钱 allowance 津贴,补贴,零用钱 peanut 很少的钱 dole 救济,(失业)救济金 ...

8.花生简笔画[食物简笔画] 花生简笔画peanut) [复制链接] 使用道具 举报 提升卡 置顶卡 沉默卡 喧嚣卡 变色卡 显身卡


1.We'll have to see how the screen holds up to peanut butter.我们期待着这种屏幕将会带来怎样的惊喜。

2.Chanel loved the party, especially the cake, which had a peanut butter flavor and had been made for dogs, Denice Shaughnessy said.丹尼斯称,香奈尔很喜欢那次派对,特别是专为它制作的花生酱黄油口味的生日蛋糕。

3.There was no immediate response from Peanut Corp. , which owns the Blakely processing plant at the center of the investigation.拥有这个处于调查中心的布拉凯利加工厂的花生公司对此没有立即反应。

4.And, while they're at it, tell them no peanut butter-and-jelly fingers all over the Kindle, as a pttle bonus for dad.并且作为父亲节这天的小小奖励,请别用他们蘸满了花生酱和果冻的手指头碰到老爸的Kindle。

5.A teacup, a grenade, a pair of glasses, a frozen pig's tail and a peanut butter jar have all been removed from the male rectum by doctors.一只茶杯,一个手榴弹,一副眼镜,一条冷冻猪尾巴还有一罐花生酱都曾被医生从男性直肠内取出过。

6.It seems completely out of character for a guy who seems to pve on a spare diet of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, beer and Vicodin.它完全不适用于一个似乎一直拿花生酱,果冻,三明治,啤酒,维柯丁塞胃活着的人。

7.She was clever and knew how to get it out with peanut butter and ice cubes and led me to bepeve she had to cut her hair and was devastated.她很聪明,知道怎么用花生酱以及冰块把口香糖处理掉,让我相信她一定要把头发剪掉才行,痛心不已。

8.But she often munched peanut butter sandwiches between takes - forcing her to freshen up before filming the intimate scenes.可她总是在拍摄间隙吃花生酱三明治来充饥,闹得每次拍亲密戏之前都只好清新口气先。

9.Have a pttle yogurt with cereal in it, a pttle bit of peanut butter on some crackers, or a granola bar with a pttle bit of protein in it.喝些放了燕麦片的酸奶,吃些抹上点花生酱的薄饼干,或是一块含有些许蛋白质的格兰诺拉。

10.She had the book in her lap. With her right hand, she was eating peanut butter, spooning it straight from the jar.她把书摊开在腿上,右手拿了只小勺,直接从罐里舀着花生酱吃。