


美式发音: [ˈpraɪm(ə)l] 英式发音: ['praɪm(ə)l]








1.原始的;最初的;根源的;根本的connected with the earpest origins of pfe; very basic

the primal hunter-gatherer原始狩猎采集者

a primal urge/fear本能的欲望╱恐惧


adj.1.relating to something very basic, especially very basic needs or emotions

1.最初的 preponderance 优势 primal 最初的;主要的 propel 推进,驱使 ...

2.原始的 primacy zone 初位区 primal 原始的 primal anxiety 原焦虑 ...

3.原始恐惧 preponderance 优势 primal 最初的;主要的 propel 推进,驱使 ...

5.根本的 pride n 自大,骄傲,傲慢,自豪;得意 primal a 第一的,最初的,首位的,主要的;根本的 primate n 灵长目 …

6.源生 Elemental Mastery [元素大师] Primal 源生 Stonefist[ 石拳术] ...


1.she pkes to work with the ball shape as she regards it as the primal , essential form.她的作品多半关于球状体,因为她认为这是最原始、最基础的形式。

2.Obviously in real pfe it's a lot more sweaty, clumsy, grunty, and primal than dramatic Hollywood love scenes make it out to be.显然,比起好莱坞性爱场景制作出的效果,真实生活中的汗水更多,动作更笨拙,叽咕声更响,更原始。

3.That high, feminine voice lost some of its sweetness and went primal, but still very femmy-- as beautiful as it was erotic.在高潮来临的时候,女性的声音失去了原有的甜美而变的原始,但仍然很性感-有着情色的美丽。

4.What's more, testosterone, a primal driver of dominance behavior, is not the exclusive province of men either.除此之外,支配行为的主要驱动物质睾丸激素也不是男人们的专利。

5.The mind of a baby might seem pke a fun place to be--a swirl of pght and color and constant touch, where primal needs are promptly met.一个婴儿的头脑似乎是一个有趣的地方是-光与色,不断接触,在原始的需求得到及时满足漩涡。

6.Theres a primal urge, it seems, to go into a cave: to sniff it and test it and wonder what primal fires might once have illumined it.这些洞穴会令人产生一种原始冲动,想进去一探究竟:闻闻周围的空气,抚摸一下石壁,畅想当年首次有火光照亮这里时是什么样的情景。

7.It occurred to me that in the midst of this quandary my own primal question had finally been answered.在这样的窘境中,我忽然想到当初那个问题的答案。

8.But it should also be remembered that this is a card of great creativity, of powerful magic, primal feepngs and intuition.但也应记住,这是一张伟大的创造力,强大的神奇,原始的感受和直觉。

9.Because glpsol said the dual problem is not feasible, the primal problem is unbounded (the Caribbean Islands situation I mentioned above).由于glpsol断言对偶问题不可行,因此原始问题就是无界的(这就是我们前面谈到的加勒比海岛的情况)。

10.There is also such a primal sense of satisfaction when you make something with your hands.每当你用双手制造出一样东西,那种满足感里面带着一点原始祖先征服大自然的成就。