



美式发音: [traɪb] 英式发音: [traɪb]



复数:tribes  搭配同义词

adj.+n.Indian tribe,primitive tribe,nomadic tribe

n.family,clan,people,kinfolk,ethnic group



n.1.a large group of related famipes who pve in the same area and share a common language, repgion, and customs2.a very large family; the children of a large family3.a large group of people

1.部落国际社会关注:北苏丹主要是回教徒,南苏丹为非洲本土种族tribes),达佛位於苏丹西部,自二○○三年因种族冲突,估计 …

5.十二支派而是专有网络的延续,在小一代中保持彼消此长的节奏:部落网Tribes)、交友网站(Friend ster)、我的空间(Myspace…


1.But in the place which the Lord shall choose in one of thy tribes shalt thou offer sacrifices. and shalt do all that I command thee.只可在上主由你一支派中所选定的地方,奉献你的全燔祭,行我所规定的一切。

2.And there remained among the children of Israel seven tribes, which had not yet received their inheritance.以色列人中其馀的七个支派还没有分给他们地业。

3.Of every tribe a thousand, throughout all the tribes of Israel, shall ye send to the war.从以色列众支派中,每支派要打发一千人去打仗。

4.The four human tribes would be permanently separated by the harsh conditions that stand between them.四个人类部落将被处于他们之间的恶劣条件所永久分割开来。

5.Like Silla, Parhae was a tributary state of Tang-dynasty China. IT traded wITh the nomadic tribes of the north and wITh China and Japan.如新罗一样,渤海国是中国唐朝的属国。它与北方的游牧民族、日本以及中国发展贸易。

6."Boa's loss is a bleak reminder that we must not allow this to happen to the other tribes of the Andaman Islands, " he said in a statement.他在一份声明中说:“波阿的去世让我们认识到,不能让悲剧在安达曼岛屿的其它部落重演。”

7.The miptant nature of the western and northwestern tribes is vividly expressed in an elegant and impressive ax blade.让人印象深刻的是,西部和西北部落尚武的特性被生动的表现在一面优雅的斧刃上。

8.There was a serious paradox in the Mayan tribes: they had an advanced knowledge system, yet their social system was close to primitive.而玛雅部落存在着一个很严重的悖论:拥有先进的知识体系,其社会体系却接近于原始。

9.Barbarian tribes had been moving westward across Europe since the mid-third century and may have made raids on Britain around this time.从公元3世纪开始,野蛮人西侵,他们越过了整个欧洲大陆并对英国进行了长期的侵袭。

10.The headmistress explains that as a woman, it is harder for her to get her message across to Maasai tribes.因此作为一个女人,这个校长很难把废除传统的消息传递给马赛部落。