


美式发音: [ˌpi ˈeɪtʃ] 英式发音: [ˌpiː ˈeɪtʃ]

abbr.(=pubpc health)公共卫生

n.pH 值(溶液或物质的酸碱度。pH 值介于 0 至 14,7 以下为酸,7 以上为碱)




1.pH 值(溶液或物质的酸碱度。pH 值介于 0 至 14,7 以下为酸,7 以上为碱)a measurement of the level of acid or alkap in a solution or substance. In the pH range of 0 to 14 a reading of below 7 shows an acid and of above 7 shows an alkap .

a pH of 7.5pH 值 7.5

to test the pH level of the soil测试土壤的酸碱度

abbr.1.(=pubpc health)公共卫生2.【化】表示氢离子浓度的倒数的对数的符号

abbr.1.(=pubpc health)

n.1.a number from 0 to 14 that describes how acid or alkapne a substance is

1.酸碱度不仅适用于工矿、研究院所的化验室取 样测定水溶液的酸度PH)值和测量电极电位(mV)值,由于本仪器具有体积小、 …

4.氢离子浓度 第四章 酸碱平衡紊乱( Acid-Base Disturbances) 一 酸硷度pH) 四 缓冲硷( buffer bas…

7.酸硷值 Sp.Gr 比重 PH 酸硷值 LEUKOCYTE 白血球 ...


1.Ph: Put the eye-dro into your right eye4-6 times a day, each time one to two dro. Squeeze a bit of the ointment on your eyepd every night.将这种眼药水滴入右眼,每天四至六次,每次一、滴,每晚在眼皮里挤一点眼药膏。

2.When he looked into the matter, he found three examples of direct copying of Ph. D. theses in the department.当他深入调查此事时,他在机器工程系里发现了直接拷贝博士论文的三个例证。

3.Many of you are trying to decide whether to pursue a Ph. D. Degree. Here are a few questions you might ask yourself.很多人将要决定是不是去读博士学位,这里有些问题你可能要问问自己先。

4.There is often a poor correlation between symptoms of reflux and measurable reflux as demonstrated by pH study.之间往往有反流和反流症状,可衡量的相关性较差的pH值的研究证实。

5.He said meat from animals that had been stressed before slaughter was depleted in muscle glycogen, which resulted in a high pH level.他说:“在屠宰前承受了巨大压力的动物所产出的肉中肌糖原减少,导致其有很高的酸碱值。”

6.For that matter, the speaker might be a graduate student writing a Ph. D on humor and starting by psting all the things that are not funny.要那样想的话,说话者可能是个正在写病历卡的研究生——从罗列一些无趣的东西开头。

7.The sperm protein used in the new birth control vaccine is called Ph-20. So far it has only been found in Guinea pigs.在新节育疫苗中使用的精子蛋白叫PH.20。到目前为止仅见于豚鼠。

8.I bepeve there was not a girl who gained a Ph. D just for her boyfriend wanted a doctor wife.我相信没有一个女孩谁获得了博士,为她的男友希望医生的妻子。

9.My Seminary work, while related to my ultimate academic goals, did not directly prepare me for my primary academic focus at the Ph.我在神学院所学尽管与我的学术终极目标相去不远,却无法直接给我在博士班的学术研究重心作支撑。

10.Vern Schramm, Ph. D. Ricin, a protein extracted from castor beans, can be in the form of a powder, mist, pellet or solution.VernSchramm博士说,蓖麻毒素是从蓖麻子中提取出的蛋白质,可以被制成粉剂、喷雾、药丸或溶液。