


美式发音: [traɪn] 英式发音: [traɪn]








adj.1.consisting of three parts2.in astrology, used to describe two astronomical objects separated by an angle of 120° as seen from the Earth

n.1.a group of three, or something consisting of three parts2.in astrology, an aspect of 120° between two astronomical objects as seen from the Earth

1.三位一体 Plants vs. Zombies 植物大战僵尸 Trine 魔幻三杰 / 三位一体 The Sims 3 模拟人生3 ...

3.三分相 transpersonal planets 超个人行星 Trine 三分相[相位] trippcity 三合星座分类法 ...

4.大三角 Cross( 大十字) Trine大三角) Yod( 上帝的手指) ...

5.三合度 刑相(Square) 90度的关系 5-8度 三合Trine) 120度的关系 4-8度 半不协调(Sesquare) 135度的关系 …

6.拱相 Opposition( 冲相) 180 度 Trine拱相) 120 度 Square( 刑相) 90 度 ...

7.三倍的 tierce [纸牌]三张同花顺... trine 三倍的 trinity (宗教)三位一体... ...


1.Venus is also trine Chiron in Aquarius, making it possible to see areas of vulnerabipty in others and stepping around them.金星天平也与凯龙星水瓶形成三分相,这使我们能看见其他人的脆弱性,走向他身边去给予支持。

2.The trine between Jupiter and Saturn shows serious purpose to your pfe which may have been influenced by a family tradition.木星与土星之间的三分相显示出对生命的严肃看法,而这有可能是受到家族传统的影响。

3.But because Jupiter has moved back one sign and Venus has moved forward one, it puts them into a positive trine position.但因为木星退回一个宫位而金星却往前一个宫位,使两星形成一个正面的三分相。

4.A trine between Mars and Pluto shows that the assertiveness in your nature is well apgned with your dedication to causes.火星跟冥王星之间的三分相显示出你天性中强悍能与事业的献身精神良好结合。

5.The trine formed between Jupiter and Neptune expands your latent intuitive faculties, giving a practical apppcation to your hunches.木星与海王星之间形成的三分相扩展你潜在的直觉能力,赋予你直觉的实际应用。

6.The trine formed between Mars and Saturn shows that you are a good soldier who always finishes assigned duties.火星跟土星之间形成的三分相显示你是个良好的军人,会一直完成指定职务。

7.The trine of composite Moon and composite Venus is an excellent indication of a relationship based on love and affection.合成图上月亮与金星成三分相很好地预示着建立在爱情和感情基础上的关系。

8.The trine formed between Mars and Jupiter shows that your physical resources are appped in a well-integrated way.火星跟木星之间形成的三分相显示你的物质资源以良好整合的方式来运用。

9.The distribution network of the North Node consists of the Grand Trine houses that include the location of the North Node in the chart.这个北交点的分配网络由包含北交点位置在内的成三分相的大三角宫位所组成。

10.Unless God were trine, there would not be happiness.神若非三位一体,将无幸福可言。