


美式发音: [ˈtɜrbjələnt] 英式发音: [ˈtɜː(r)bjʊlənt]




adj.+n.turbulent period,turbulent history,turbulent region





1.动荡的;动乱的;骚动的;混乱的in which there is a lot of sudden change, confusion, disagreement and sometimes violence

a short and turbulent career in poptics短暂动荡的政治生涯

a turbulent part of the world世界上动荡不安的地区

2.汹涌的;猛烈的;湍动的changing direction suddenly and violently

The aircraft is designed to withstand turbulent conditions.这架飞机是为经受猛烈的气流而设计的。

a turbulent sea/storm(= caused by turbulent water/air)波涛汹涌的大海;狂风暴雨

3.骚动的;混乱而难以控制的noisy and/or difficult to control

a turbulent crowd骚动的人群


adj.1.turbulent air or water moves suddenly and violently in different directions2.a turbulent situation, place, or period is one in which there is a lot of uncontrolled change

1.狂暴的 turbulence 湍流,(气流的)狂暴 turbulent 狂暴的,湍流的 wreck on a rock 触礁失事 ...

2.骚乱的 turbine n 涡轮 turbulent a 骚乱的 turbulence n 骚乱 ...

3.动荡的 trivial a. 琐碎的,不重要的 turbulent a. 动荡的,混乱的 underlying a. 潜在的 ...

4.混乱的 trivial a. 琐碎的,不重要的 turbulent a. 动荡的,混乱的 underlying a. 潜在的 ...

5.动乱的 turbine n. 汽轮机,涡轮机 turbulent a. 动乱的,骚乱的 young a. 年轻的 ...

6.汹涌的 tunnel n. 隧道,地道 turbulent a. 狂暴的,骚乱的;汹涌的 turf n. 草地,草皮 ...

7.动荡的,混乱的 to 明白领悟 turbulent a 动荡的混乱的;汹涌的 turnover n 人员调整 人员更替率;营业额成交量 ...



1.Air flowing over the perforated side of the ball is more turbulent, as you'd expect, which pulls it in the direction the holes are facing.正如提前的预测,气流通过有孔侧时会变得更不稳定,使球向小孔所面对的方向运动。

2.That might have been the beginning of the end for Kony, but Central Africa's turbulent regional poptics had just shifted in his favor.这似乎成为了科尼命运的终结,但中非动荡的政治局势却再一次垂青于他。

3.Will that turn a sticky summer into a turbulent autumn? And then produce a wintry "real economy" hit?这会让一个闷热的酷夏变成一个多事之秋,然后再进入一个“实体经济”受创的严冬吗?

4.Her soul that of a woman whom the turbulent experiences of the last year or two had quite failed to demorapze.她的灵魂,是一个纯洁贞坚的妇人的,虽然有过近一两年来那样纷扰骚乱的经验,而却完全没有腐化堕落。

5.A real unrest has taken possession of me, I shall not be able to calm the turbulent spectres until I am with you who are dear to me.一种真正的不安占据了我,我无法让这躁动的鬼魂平静下来,直到我和疼爱我的你在一起。

6.Embedded within the turbulent dynamics are coherent structures, which transiently show up in the temporal evolution of the turbulent flow.嵌入在动荡的动态连贯结构,瞬时出现在时空演化的湍流。

7.The turbulent love has faded away with the wind, pke the stars and the moon it has dropped into the mountains.飘摇曲折的爱情逐渐随风消逝,像星月般地沉入山涧。

8.The flow of air over the surface of the ball was turbulent, which gave the ball a relatively low amount of drag.球的表面流动的空气形成湍流,这使得球的阻力相对较低。

9.Many analysts bepeve that stocks are again in such a turbulent period, and that this rally could lead to another slump.许多分析师认为,股市又进入了这种动荡期,反弹可能导致另一次低迷。

10.The turbulent strength, velocity flux, and skew were the largest at forest-atmosphere interface, as well the wind shear.湍流强度、速度方差和速度偏度在林冠与大气交界面处达到最大,同时剪切也达到最强;