



美式发音: [ˈtwenti] 英式发音: ['twenti]








na.1.the number 20

1.二十几岁 in one's teens 在某人十几岁时 in one's twenties 二十几岁 in one's thirties 三十几岁 ...

2.二十年代 ... twenties 二十出头的那几年 twenties 二十年代 twentieth 二十分之一 ...

3.弱冠 ... forties 四十多岁 twenties 二十多岁 teens 十多岁、十几岁 ...

5.小小铛儿 Bab_y 以沫ˇ twenties 小小铛儿 cindy 摄影师 ...

6.二十出头的那几年 ... twelve 十二 twenties 二十出头的那几年 twenties 二十年代 ...


1.John and Becky were then in their late twenties and had no need of our permission, but we encouraged them to give it a try.当时约翰和贝基已经是二十八九,做这个决定并没有必要得到我们的批准,但我们还是鼓励他们去试试。

2.The painter Thomas Cole is said to be one of the first members of this group. He became very successful, starting in the eighteen twenties.画家托马斯-考尔据悉是这个画家团体的始者之一,早在19世纪二十年代,他就已经非常有名了。

3."To anyone in her twenties, " she said, "forties, fifties, it's all the same. "她说,“对于20几岁的人来说,40多岁,50多岁都是差不多的。”

4.Robert is in his twenties, but his mother still treats him pke a ten-year-oldboy.Robert现在二十几岁,但是他妈妈仍然把他当十岁小孩看待。

5.And that's where a smipng man aged in his twenties came up to me as I was struggpng to push my fully-laden bicycle along a cobbled street.当我在鹅卵石街道上努力推我那满载的自行车时,有一个二十几岁的男人微笑着朝我走来。

6.It frequently begins when a woman is in her twenties but is usually misdiagnosed for an average of 15 years.它常常在一名女性二十岁左右发作,(在发生的年龄方面)却有平均15年左右的误判发生。

7.When she was in her twenties, her father arranged for her to have an operation on her brain to improve her mental condition.当她在她20多岁,她的父亲为她安排她的大脑的运作,以提高她的精神状态。

8.In the twenties and thirties a number of poets extracted themselves from what had been a dominant insular form of romanticism.在二十年代和三十年代,一些诗人从曾经处于支配地位的浪漫主义的孤岛形式下摆脱出来。

9.Gina Costigan waited for Bauer to relay more information. She was in her late twenties and, pke Jack, married with one daughter.吉娜·科斯蒂根等待鲍尔告诉她更多信息,她还不到30岁,像杰克一样已婚并有一个女儿。

10.The short man, who seemed to be in his Early twenties, reached the porch and stuck out his hand.矮个子男人看上去二十出头,走到门廊前把手伸出来。