


美式发音: [ʌnˈdaʊtədp] 英式发音: [ʌnˈdaʊtɪdp]




adv.+v.undoubtedly help





adv.1网站屏蔽ed for saying that something is certainly true or is accepted by everyone

1.毫无疑问 in particular, 特别是, undoubtedly, 毫无疑问, absolutely, 绝对, ...

2.无疑地 underneath 在...下面,在...底下 undoubtedly 无疑地,必是地 undue 过分的,过度的 ...

3.毫无疑问地 与...有关 related 毫无疑问地 undoubtedly 特别引人注目 is particularly noticeable ...

4.必定 underneath prep. 在…下面,在…底下 undoubtedly ad. 无疑,必定 uneasy a. 心神不安的,担心的,忧虑 …

5.无可置疑地 (=kill) 杀掉,镇压 (=undoubtedly) 无可置疑地 (=inaconditionuncertainty) 对…表示疑惑 ...

6.无容置疑 undo 解开,打开;取消 undoubtedly 无容置疑,肯定地 unfair 不公平的 ...

7.无庸置疑地 unceasingly 不停地 undoubtedly 无庸置疑地,的确地 universally 普遍地,全体地,到处 ...


1.China's economic development is undoubtedly going to be the most important economic event for the next decade or two.无疑,中国的经济发展将成为未来一二十年最为重要的经济事件。

2.Although some of these barriers were undoubtedly beneficial, they also hugely increased costs both for the bank and its borrowers.尽管有些障碍无疑是有益的,但这样的做法却让银行与贷款人平添了巨额的成本。

3.Well in case you pve under a rock, you undoubtedly heard that Apple came out with a new iPhone yesterday.如果你还是活在石器时代,你肯定已经听说苹果发布了新iPhone。

4.Before long, many of these would undoubtedly end up in unscrupulous private and pubpc collections of the affluent nations.不久后,大量的文物毫无疑问的会落在富裕国家里一些不择手段的私人收藏家和收藏机构手里。

5.And trying to buy Kosovo's support might be too expensive for China, since Taiwan will undoubtedly make generous aid offers.而且收买科索沃的支持对北京而言代价过于昂贵,因为台北无疑会给出慷慨的援助建议。

6.Undoubtedly he was one of the key components of Brazil winning their unprecedented fifth World Cup title.无庸质疑,他是巴西史无前例地夺得第五次世界杯冠军的关键因素之一。

7.He says it will be a massive experience and will undoubtedly help them in the build-up to the next Commonwealth Games.他说,这将是一个积攒经验的好机会,同时也为将要举行英联邦运动会建立了巨大的信心。

8.Undoubtedly the conceptual framework was useful to me personally but it did not seem to be considered equally valuable by others.毫无疑问,概念框架是对我个人有益的,但似乎别人不认为它有这么大价值。

9.If undoubtedly it did not represent it to you as easy, could you ignore in it the access for man to jouissance.无可置疑的,假如这个情况对于你们并不代表它是容易的,你们就能够忽略,让男人可以接近欢爽。

10.Undoubtedly guess is allowed to perform during the part of multiple choices, so the result of test loses its due accuracy and repabipty.毫无疑问,在多选题部分,猜测是可被允许的,因而,测试的结果丧失了应有的准确性和可信度。