




1.世界第一 ... 领模演 single 世界第一巨星邓凡 world first 全球最牛的 world most cow ...

3.领先世界 ... “天字号” 高级会所 first sky “甲天下” 高级会所 world first 日月 高级会所 sun moon ...


1.i wonder , " he said , " when it was that the world first went wrong .“我想知道,”他说道,“这个世界是什么时候开始出毛病的。”

2.Thumbpng, however, decpned, and said he wanted to see the world first.大拇哥谢绝了,说自己想先周游世界。

3.In what is bepeved to be a world-first study , human brain cells are being used to test the long-term effects of mobile phone radiation.在这一研究中,人类大脑细胞被用来测试这个长期效果的移动电话辐射。

4.Last month it was reported that a robot dubbed OFRO would be deployed as a school security guard in what was also claimed as a world first.上个月,有消息称,一个名叫OFRO的机器人被安排到学校当保安,据说这也是世界首例。

5.If the UK approves the cloning, it would be a world first. It would also encourage other countries to ease restrictions on embryo research.如果英国同意进行克隆,这将是世界上的首例。这也会促进其他国家放松对于胚胎研究的限制。

6.Around the world, first of all, bankruptcy proceedings apply to a nature person and then extended to the organization body gradually.世界范围内看,破产程序首先适用于自然人破产,而后再逐步扩展到组织体。

7.The company claims the scheme is a world first and the method will produce far less carbon dioxide than a regular burial.据悉,这样的下葬方式是世界首创,能够大大减少二氧化碳的排放量。

8.The practice of building world first class universities makes it necessary to research into the top universities in the world.创建世界一流大学的实践需要研究世界一流大学的理论做指导。

9.I certainly hope that more images for everyone to see, but also world-first designer to help me design clothes and image.我当然希望多些形象给大家看,而且有位世界第一的设计师帮我设计服装和形象。

10.Claiming it is as a world first, the promotional event was for the artist's latest performance starting at the Sydney Opera House this week.这项据称是全球首见的创举,目的在宣传该表演者本周在雪梨歌剧院担纲的最新演出。