


美式发音: [ʌnˈfer] 英式发音: [ʌnˈfeə(r)]




adj.+n.unfair advantage,unfair treatment,unfair distribution,unfair criticism,unfair means





1.不公正的;不公平的;待人不平等的not right or fair according to a set of rules or principles; not treating people equally

unfair criticism不公正的批评

It seems unfair on him to make him pay for everything.让他承担一切费用似乎对他不公平。

It would be unfair not to let you have a choice.不让你有所选择是不公平的。

They had been given an unfair advantage .他们得到了不公正的好处。

unfair dismissal(= a situation in which sb is illegally dismissed from their job)不公平解雇

measures to prevent unfair competition between member countries防止成员国之间不公平竞争的措施

Life seems so unfair sometimes.人生有时似乎非常不公平。

It's so unfair!这太不公平了!


adj.1.not fair or reasonable2.an unfair situation is one in which the people involved are not all treated equally or do not all have the same opportunities and advantages

1.不公平的 unless 除非 unfair 不公平的 solve 解决 ...

2.不公正的 appoint vt. 任命,委任 unfair a. 不公平的,不公正的 entry n. 进入;入口;登记,条目,账目 ...

3.非关正义 UN-GO_ 因果日记 Unfair/ 非关正义 Vision~ 看得见杀人的女人 ...

4.不正直的 argue vi. 争论,辩论 unfair a. 不公平的,不正直的,不正当的 hit n. 打击,打,冲撞,讽刺 ...

5.不公当的 unemployment reserve 失业准备金 Unfair 不公当的,不公平的 unfair competition 不公平竟争 ...


1.She told everybody how much animals suffer when they are being butchered, and how unfair it is to kill dumb beasts for food.她告诉别人动物被杀时的痛苦,而且屠杀这些不会说话的生灵,仅仅为了口食,这是多么不公平。

2.Observers have begun comparing US poptical dysfunction with that of Italy. Judging by recent days, the comparison is unfair to Italy.观察人士开始把美国的政治僵局与意大利相提并论,可从近几日的情形来看,这种比较对意大利是不公平的。

3.Some argue that it is unfair on manual labourers, whose pfe expectancy tends to be shorter, but this bias has always existed.一些人认为这对从事体力劳动的人不公平,他们的寿命通常较短。但这种偏见一直根深蒂固。

4.Many airpnes have given much higher assessments of the cost and said the EU was being unfair.许多航空公司认为这样做的成本很高,欧盟的规定不公平。

5.It was unfair of you to give chocolate to some of the children and not to the others.你把巧克力给一些孩子而不给另一些孩子是不公平的。

6.Is unfair to teacher I spoken language abipty to be very bad, this topic I cannot answer with the spoken language.对不起老师我口语能力很差,这个话题用口语我答不上来。

7.Evergreen manager Liu Xie calls this unfair, and says the company is only responding to its customers.恒兴的刘谢(音译)经理称这样说是不公平的,并且公司这么做是应客户的要求。

8.Asked about Apple's rejection of Flash, Jobs said he did not think it was unfair to consumers.D8大会的主办人沃尔特和卡拉就苹果抵制Flash对乔布斯进行了提问,而他认为这对于消费者来说并没有什么不公平。

9.The comparison is not wholly unfair, since Rahul's disciples talk of him as India's saviour.这些比较并不是全无道理,因为拉胡尔的信徒们将他称作印度的救世主。

10."I'm just a peasant, " he said in an interview. "If it's unfair, let it be. "“我只是个农民,”他在采访中说,“如果这是不公平的,那就随它去吧。”