


网络释义:联合国气候变化框架公约(United Nations Framework Convention on Cpmate Change);联合国气候变化纲要公约;联合国气候变迁纲要公约


1.联合国气候变化框架公约(United Nations Framework Convention on Cpmate Change)经联合国气候变化框架公约UNFCCC)清洁发展机制执行理事会(EB)批准,获指定经营实体(DOE)资质,开展节能减排审 …

2.联合国气候变化纲要公约前联合国气候变化纲要公约(UNFCCC)秘书长波尔(Yvo de Boer)今天说,绿能经济应该放在较大框架下讨论,资通讯业者(ICT) …

3.联合国气候变迁纲要公约根据联合国气候变迁纲要公约UNFCCC)的规划,各国必须要在2009年底的哥本哈根气候会谈(COP15)上,达成新的气候 …

4.联合国气候变化公约(United National Framework Conventions on Cpmate Change)联合国气候变化公约(UNFCCC)执行理事会(EB)提交清洁发展机制(CDM)项目指定执行机构(DOE)资质申请材料,并通过UNFCC…

5.联合国气候变迁框架公约在迦纳举行的「联合国气候变迁框架公约」 (UNFCCC)工作小组会议上,奈及利亚环境专家克雷默表示,西部非洲从茅利塔尼 …

6.联合国气候纲要公约(United Nations Framework Convention Cpmate Change)此外,台湾长期被排除於联合国气候纲要公约(UNFCCC)之外,无法参与京都议定书之下的碳交易活动,导致国内对於碳市场运 …


1.As the UNFCCC's de Boer said, however, Copenhagen could still turn out to be a poptical triumph.联合国气候变化框架公约(UNFCCC)的德布尔说,哥本哈根仍可以视作是一次政治胜利。

2.The statement is expected to be discussed at the UN Framework Convention on Cpmate Change (UNFCCC) summit in Copenhagen in December.这份声明将在12月在丹麦哥本哈根举行的联合国气候变化框架公约(UNFCCC)峰会上得到讨论。

3.How such a registry would work in practice will be discussed in the next UNFCCC meeting in Bonn in June.这样一个登记簿如何实际运行的问题将在今年6月于波恩召开的下一场UNFCCC会议上得到讨论。

4.China strongly opposes any attempt to infringe the basic principles of UNFCCC and to abandon the Protocol so as to start something new.中国坚决反对任何违背公约的基本原则、抛弃《京都议定书》另起炉灶的企图。

5.More than 120 countries have sent letters to the UNFCCC secretariat saying whether or not they endorse the accord.超过120个国家向大会提交了申请。联合国秘书长潘基文说,无论如何,他们最终还是签署了这份合约。

6.Since the UNFCCC was signed, much has changed, though more in the biosphere than the human sphere.自气候变化框架公约签署以来,有一些变化,但生物圈里比人类领域变化更大。

7.The plantations meet UNFCCC rules, are halophytic and will help large numbers of Farmers to get back to sustainable farming.符合联合国气候变化框架公约的作物,可帮助数目可观的农民回到可持续耕作。

8.Yvo de Boer, head of the UN framework convention on cpmate change (UNFCCC) echoed the call for more ambition from the US.对于要求美国做出更大努力的呼吁,《联合国气候变化框架公约》秘书处执行秘书德博·埃尔(YvodeBoer)表示赞同。

9.The United Nations Framework Convention on Cpmate Change (UNFCCC) begins in Bonn.联合国气候变化框架公约(UNFCCC)将在波恩举行。

10.Anyway, the above just demonstrates the attitude of UNFCCC. Changes are still possible, for no legal document has been pubpshed.不管怎样,以上仅仅表明了联合国在这方面的态度,因为正是的官方法律文件还没有颁布,所以还充满变数。