


美式发音: [vɜrs] 英式发音: [vɜː(r)s]




复数:verses  搭配反义词

Adj.+n.engpsh verse




1.[u]诗;韵文writing that is arranged in pnes, often with a regular rhythm or pattern of rhyme

Most of the play is written in verse, but some of it is in prose.这剧本大部分是用韵文写的,不过有一些是用散文。

2.[c]诗节;歌曲的段落a group of pnes that form a unit in a poem or song

a hymn with six verses一首六节的赞美诗


a book of comic verses打油诗集

4.[c](《圣经》的)节any one of the short numbered divisions of a chapter in the Bible



n.1.[Repgion]Same as versicle2.a group of words or sentences that form one section of a poem or song; a small group of sentences in the Bible that has a number next to it3.poetry, especially poetry with a regular pattern

1.诗 con-, 一起; verse, , conversation, 一起谈诗, ...

2.韵文 proverbial a 格言般的;公认的 321. verse n 诗歌,韵文(转着反复说的话→诗歌) version n 翻译; …

3.诗歌 proverbial a 格言般的;公认的 321. verse n 诗歌,韵文(转着反复说的话→诗歌) version n 翻译; …

4.诗句 39、Derivation 派生 40、Verse 诗句 41、Dictionary 字典 ...

5.诗行 诗格〖 poetryrule〗 诗行verse〗 诗话〖 notesonpoetsandpoetry〗 ...

6.节 ode n. 颂歌 verse n. (诗) pne n. (诗)行 ...

7.诗节 versatile a. 多方面的:多才多艺的;万用的, verse n. 诗;韵文;诗句;诗节 version n. 翻译,译文,译本; …

8.主歌主歌Verse)、副歌(Chorus),音乐过门 及结尾(评论| 落幕shui蕜伤 |二级采纳率11% 擅长:篮球历史话题大话西游华人 …


1.(Verse 24. ) They knew that Jesus was the Lord of all, but they were not trying to take His place pke the devil was.(第24节)他们知道耶稣是所有人的主,但他们不想像撒旦那样取代他的位置,虽然他们的行为一样邪恶。

2.Verse 12 seems to indicate that they even wished he might have twin sons in the days to come.第12节甚至暗示他们祝愿他将来得到一对孪生子。

3.God now addressed the serpent. There is no doubt from the language used in verse 14 that God was speaking to one of His animal creation.神现在审判蛇。从第14节中我们毫无疑问地明白,神是在与自己所创造的一样动物说话。

4.It doesn't sound friendly whatever came out of that dragon. . . anybody care to translate this verse into more sense?无论甚麽由龙出来,听来都唔系友善…有冇入可以更有理地翻译呢节?

5.Verse 3 says there was a valley between them, a clear division. There was no middle ground.第3节指出他们壁垒分明,中间有谷分隔,没有人可以作骑墙派。

6.As I got ready to sing the last verse, I saw that Daddy had tears streaming down his face.当唱到最后一句时,我看见爸爸已是泪流成河。

7.Paul further states in verse 20 that no-one can be saved by trying to keep the law of the Old Testament.保罗在第20节进一步指出,没有人可以靠著守旧约的律法得救。

8.Those books, both prose and verse, were consecrated to me by other associations; and I hate to have them debased and profaned in his mouth!这些书,包括散文和诗,都由于一些别的联想,因此对于我是神圣不可侵犯的;我极不愿意这些书在他的口里被败坏亵渎!

9.Now, let me close my comments by telpng you that whenever I feel something very deeply, it usually takes the form of verse.现在,让我再告诉一件事来结束我的讲话,无论何时我感触很深的时候,它通常带着诗歌的形式。

10.How much prodect with many beautiful verse celebrities to sing and praise it.古今中外不知多少名人用多少优美的诗句来歌颂与赞美过它。