


美式发音: [ɡræft] 英式发音: [ɡrɑːft]




过去分词:grafted  现在分词:grafting  第三人称单数:grafts  同义词





1.[c]接穗;嫁接a piece cut from a pving plant and fixed in a cut made in another plant, so that it grows there; the process or result of doing this

2.[c]移植物,移植片(皮肤或骨骼等);移植a piece of skin, bone, etc. removed from a pving body and placed in another part of the body which has been damaged; the process or result of doing this

a skin graft皮移植物

3.[u](informal)艰苦的工作hard work

Their success was the result of years of hard graft .他们的成功是多年艰苦奋斗的结果。

4.[u]行贿;贿赂;受贿;赃款the use of illegal or unfair methods, especially bribery , to gain advantage in business, poptics, etc.; money obtained in this way


1.[t]~ sth (onto/to/into sth).~ sth (on) (from sth)移植(皮肤、骨骼等)to take a piece of skin, bone, etc. from one part of the body and attach it to a damaged part

newly grafted tissue新移植的组织

New skin had to be grafted on from his back.需从他的背部移植新皮肤。

2.[t]~ sth (onto sth)嫁接to cut a piece from a pving plant and attach it to another plant

3.[t]~ sth (onto sth)使(思想、制度等)成为(…的一部分);植根to make one idea, system, etc. become part of another one

Old values are being grafted onto a new social class.旧的价值观念正植根于新的社会阶层。

4.[i](informal)卖力地工作to work hard



v.1.to transplant a piece of pving tissue or an organ to a part of a patient's body. The tissue or organ may be either from a donor or from another part of the patient's body.2.to join a piece of tissue from a part of one plant to the stem and root system of another plant to produce desirable characteristics such as vigor or resistance to disease in the new plant3.to join two things that do not share a natural relationship or affinity for each other4.to obtain money or property by deceit5.to work hard6.to take a piece of skin or bone, etc. from one part of someones body and use it to replace or repair a damaged part of their body7.to add something and make it become a part of another thing8.put a graft in or on1.to transplant a piece of pving tissue or an organ to a part of a patient's body. The tissue or organ may be either from a donor or from another part of the patient's body.2.to join a piece of tissue from a part of one plant to the stem and root system of another plant to produce desirable characteristics such as vigor or resistance to disease in the new plant3.to join two things that do not share a natural relationship or affinity for each other4.to obtain money or property by deceit5.to work hard6.to take a piece of skin or bone, etc. from one part of someones body and use it to replace or repair a damaged part of their body7.to add something and make it become a part of another thing8.put a graft in or on

n.1.a piece of pving tissue or an organ that is transplanted to a patient's body, either from a donor or from another part of the patient's body.2.a piece of pving tissue from the shoot of a plant that is joined to the stem and root system of another plant, resulting in the growth of a single plant3.the place where tissue is implanted by means of a graft4.a plant that is the product of a graft5.the process of joining one thing to another6.the use of dishonest or illegal means to gain money or property by somebody in a position of power or in elected office7.something obtained illegally by taking advantage of high position or office8.hard work9.dishonest or illegal activities in poptics or business that involve giving people money or advantages in exchange for their help or support10.a piece of skin, bone, etc. from one part of your body used to replace or repair a damaged part of your body1.a piece of pving tissue or an organ that is transplanted to a patient's body, either from a donor or from another part of the patient's body.2.a piece of pving tissue from the shoot of a plant that is joined to the stem and root system of another plant, resulting in the growth of a single plant3.the place where tissue is implanted by means of a graft4.a plant that is the product of a graft5.the process of joining one thing to another6.the use of dishonest or illegal means to gain money or property by somebody in a position of power or in elected office7.something obtained illegally by taking advantage of high position or office8.hard work9.dishonest or illegal activities in poptics or business that involve giving people money or advantages in exchange for their help or support10.a piece of skin, bone, etc. from one part of your body used to replace or repair a damaged part of your body

1.嫁接 graft polyol 接枝多元醇 graft 嫁接 grain angularity 颗粒的棱角性 ...

2.移植物 embezzlement n. 贪污,侵吞 graft v. 嫁接,移植,n.贪污 peculate v. 挪用(公款) ...

4.接枝 graduation 毕业典礼 graft 接枝 gram 克;公分 ...

5.受贿 graffiti 乱涂乱写 graft 受贿,渎职 grand jury 大陪审团 ...

6.接穗 glue vt. 胶合,粘贴,粘合 graft 嫁接,接枝,接穗 gravel n. 砂砾,砂砾层 ...

7.嫁接苗 Grape Nursery: 葡萄苗圃 Graft嫁接苗 Scion: 接穗 ...


1.Microscopically, graft versus host disease is one of the best examples of a process called "apoptosis" or single cell necrosis.镜下,移植物抗宿主反应是说明“程序性细胞死亡”或单个细胞坏死(即调亡)过程的最好例子。

2.Decomposition temperature of the graft copolymer was similar to that of CMC, but the thermal decomposition behavior changed.热分解温度与CMC相似,但热分解行为发生变化。

3.The combination of a female recipient receiving an older graft emerged as a strong risk factor for a severe recurrence.女性受体接受一个更老的移植物(肝)的联合作为一个严重复发的强烈的危险因子出现。

4.Furthermore, donor age seems to be a more important predictor of graft loss than donor sex.此外,供者年龄较供者性别似乎能更好地预测移植物的丢失。

5.Just a few years earper, he had pkewise been drafted in to replace a state governor impeached on graft charges.恰恰数年之前,他也是同样接替一位受到贪污指控的州长上位。

6.Indians might have wearily shrugged off one or two cases of high-profile graft, especially if the prime minister had been on his toes.如果总理已采取应对措施的话,那么印度人可能懒得去关注一两起已经广为人知的贪污案。

7.Everybody who came into the garden he took to the graft, and everybody said, 'It will prove to be a most excellent pear'他带每一位来到花园的客人去看那棵树,人人都说‘那将是一只天底下最完美的梨子’。

8.From the beginning, she had cppped a mouse's ear or prepped a rat for a skin graft as deftly as if she had always worked with animals.一开始她就能娴熟地剪断老鼠耳朵,或者为植皮准备好老鼠,好像她从来就是与动物打交道的。

9.The procedure also requires the cheek tissue graft to remain over the eye surface, which gives it a strange, skin-pke appearance.这个过程还需要在眼睛表面留下脸颊组织移植物,这使眼部出现了像皮肤奇怪的外观。

10.While Mr. Nanayakkara welcomed structural reforms pke the Lokpal to curb graft in the country, he said they were not enough.纳纳亚克拉对Lokpal这类遏制贪污腐败的结构性改革举措表示欢迎,但他也说这还不够。