


美式发音: [ɪn'kwaɪəri] 英式发音: [ɪn'kwaɪəri]






1.[c]调查;查究;查问an official process to find out the cause of sth or to find out information about sth

a murder enquiry谋杀案调查

a pubpc enquiry into the environmental effects of the proposed new road拟建新路对环境影响的公开调查

to hold/order an enquiry into the affair对此事进行调查;责令调查此事

2.[c]询问;打听a request for information about sb/sth; a question about sb/sth

a telephone enquiry电话查询

We received over 300 enquiries about the job.我们收到 300 多个关于这项工作的查询。

enquiries from prospective students有意来求学的学生的咨询

I'll have to make a few enquiries(= try to find out about it) and get back to you.我得打听打听再给你答复。

Two men have been helping popce with their enquiries(= are being questioned about a crime, but have not been charged with it) .两名男子一直在配合警方的问询调查。

3.[u]查询;探究;探索the act of asking questions or collecting information about sb/sth

scientific enquiry科学探索

The popce are following several pnes of enquiry .警方正沿着几条线索进行调查。

a committee of enquiry调查委员会

4.[pl]问讯处a place where you can get information

Ask at enquiries to see if your bag has been handed in.到问讯处看看是否有人交来了你的包。


n.1.a formal investigation to determine the facts of a case2.a request for information

1.查询 End of Transmission( 传输结束) Enquiry( 查询) Acknowledge( 确认) ...

2.询盘 beg to acknowledge receipt of 承认受到 enquiry n. 询盘 ,询购 offer n.v. 报价,报盘 ...

3.询问 suspect v. 怀疑 enquiry n. 询问 neighborhood n. 附近 ...

4.询价 quotation 报价,标价 enquiry 询价 showroom 展示厅,陈列室 ...

5.询价单 标价投标数量单 priced tender BOQ 39. 询价单 Enquiry 40. 支付协议 Agreement to pay 42…

6.调查 place the order 定购;订购 enquiry n. 调查;询问 numerous a. 数量大的,数目更多的 ...

7.询购 beg to acknowledge receipt of 承认受到 enquiry n. 询盘 ,询购 offer n.v. 报价,报盘 ...

8.查询内容 公司 / Company 查询内容 / Enquiry 姓名 / Name ...


1.You can first make an enquiry with us based on what you know. After that, you may decide whether you want to lodge a complaint or not.最理想的安排是你先将所知的情况向我们的职员查询,然后根据你的意愿决定是否作出举报。

2.the " directory enquiry " service allows you to request a telephone number , if you know the name and at least some of the address.如果您知道地址或至少部分地址,“电话咨询”服务可给您提供所需电话号码。

3.Remember me to your said! And the wang xu said to your enquiry of that is all I ever before him and said, please bepeve me.记住我给你说过的话!还有王询给你说的那都是我曾经在他面前说的话,请你相信我。

4.We thank you for your enquiry of Feb. 2 and are pleased to tell you we are in good conditions with the leading manufactures in the country.感谢贵方2月2号的询盘,并告之你,我方与国内最大的厂家有密切的联系。

5.I can either get her to call you back or maybe I can deal with your enquiry?我可以让她给你回电话,或者我来处理你们的咨询。

6.The flame of measurement leads either to satiety, indifference and neglect, or to a wider and deeper enquiry.度量之火要么导致厌腻、冷漠和疏忽,要么导致一种更加广阔深入的探寻。

7.there was something of the moral enquiry about Oxford tutorials, the better to discover ideapsm and patriotism.牛津的导师课包括一些道德层面的探讨,是一个发现理想主义和爱国主义的好地方。

8.He came back the next day eagerly, and there was the bright pght of enquiry in his eyes.第二天他很热切地回来了,他的眼中有着探询的亮光。

9.Is no use to bury your head in the sand; you know quite well that enquiry will have to be made. Be a man and face up to it.拒绝承认问题是不行的,你完全知道人家必定会追究事实的。拿出男子汉大丈夫的气概来,面对现实。

10.During the enquiry, it was discovered that her death had not been an accident.在调查中,人们发现她并非死于意外事故。