


美式发音: 英式发音: ['jʊərənəs]





1.天王星the planet in the solar system that is 7th in order of distance from the sun


n.1.the seventh smallest planet in the solar system and the seventh planet from the Sun2.in Greek mythology, the ruler of the heavens, husband of Gaia, and father of the Titans. He was dethroned by his son Cronus.

1.天王星天王星Uranus)是太阳系向外的第七颗行星,在太阳系的体积是第三大(比海王星大),质量排名第四(比海王星轻)。他 …



4.尤拉诺斯前一篇:犹如尤拉诺斯(Uranus):驻阿德军最新防空系统 图片集后一篇:太可爱了!

5.天空之神乌拉诺斯盖亚(Gaea)没有婚配又生下天空之神乌拉诺斯Uranus)。乌拉诺斯娶了母亲盖亚,生下了12位泰坦神(Titans)和赫卡同舍 …

6.乌拉尼斯  乌拉尼斯(Uranus):白色机器人,身高15米,重100吨,合体后是六神合体的右手臂。   泰坦(Titan):绿色机器人,身高15米, …


1.The revolutionary influence of Uranus will be significant for you because Uranus is moving across the top of your chart!来自天王星的革命性的影响对你来说意味深远,因为它正穿越你星盘的顶部!

2.Adivised by his mother, Grouns beats Uranus, severs the pnk between sky and earth, and becomes the new king of the cosmos.克罗诺斯在他母亲的建议和帮助下打败了他的父亲乌拉诺斯,分开了天地间的连接,成为了宇宙的新首领。

3.So we decided to let them go at it again. Was uranus able to bring down the champ? NOOOOOOOOOOO.所以我们决定让他们再战一周。那天王星把冠军拉下马了么?没没没。

4.Astronomers had been trying to explain the strange orbit of the seventh planet, Uranus .天文学家曾一直试图解释第七颗行星—天王星奇怪的轨道现象。

5.This may be why Uranus's rings are spghtly out of round: their self-gravity resists the tendency to smear into a circular band.或许这就是为何天王星环不是那麽的圆:环内的重力在对抗要扩散成圆带的倾向。

6.Uranus in Pisces is stirring up fierce need within you to break old restraints and to truly become the person you were born to be.天王星位于双鱼座激起你内在强烈的需要,去断掉旧的束缚,真正成为原本的那个自己。

7.It may be that there is an error in your favor as Uranus pulls a trick out of his bag of surprises in your house of income.它可能是一个错误,以你方为受益人的玩笑是天王星拉从他的袋子里的惊喜在你家里的收入。

8.Fortunately, you seem to be immune to much of the charged atmosphere, caused mainly by Uranus.幸运旳是受到天王星旳庇护,你看起来对紧张旳气氛完全免疫。

9.Uranus had been driven away from his bride by his son Saturn.天王星被他的儿子土星赶出离开了他的新娘

10.One of a family of giants, the children of Uranus and Gaea, who sought to rule heaven and were.一个巨人家族的一位成员,这个家族是乌拉诺斯和盖亚的子女,他们试图统治天国,但被宙斯家族推翻并。