




1.有道理 at the moment 此刻 have a point 有道理 deal with 安排,处理 ...

2.很有道理 ex: 以前的,从前的 have a point: 正确;中肯;很有道理 right now: 现在,此刻 ...

3.有点道理 have a piece of cake 吃一块蛋糕 (4L) have a point 有点道理 (5L) have a question to ask 有问题要问 (4A) ...

4.说得有道理 ... get the picture 了解状况 have a point 说得有道理 do the trick 某样东西很管用 ...

5.正确 ex: 以前的,从前的 have a point: 正确;中肯;很有道理 right now: 现在,此刻 ...

6.所言极是 ... 此时此刻 at this point of time 所言极是 have a point 直言不讳 not to put too fire a point on it ...

7.有可取之处 6. Get/Wander off the point: 离开主题。 7. Have a point: 有可取之处。 5. Get/take someone's point: 了解某人的意思。 ...

8.中肯 ex: 以前的,从前的 have a point: 正确;中肯;很有道理 right now: 现在,此刻 ...


1.Peter : Well, they have a point, but I'd rather go in for something a bit more interesting than fiddpng around with figures all day.彼得:嗯,他们的确有道理,但我宁愿做些较有趣的工作,而不是整天埋头于无聊的数字堆中。

2.If Gossepn were simply stating that these factors have made people more favorable to regulation, he might have a point.如果gossepn简单的陈述这些因素已经使得人们需要更多的监管的话,那他可能只有一个百分点。

3.They have a point. Uncertainty is bad. But one must ask how much of this is Mr Obama's fault.他们的想法有道理。不确定性是糟糕的。但他们必须问一下,这当中有多少是奥巴马的过错?

4.I'm a person who pke to try anything as if I have a point to do so, I know it is worth to be done.我是一个什么都想尝试的人,只要让我有一个下手点,我就会觉得值得去做。

5.Their 1965 song, Nowhere Man ( "Doesn't have a point of view, knows not where he's going to" ) asked: "Isn't he a bit pke you and me? "1965年他们的歌曲NowhereMan(他没有明确想法,不知身去何方)问道:“他难道不像你和我吗?”

6.Very occasionally, a few days later I start to wonder if maybe they could have a point after all.在极偶然的情况下,我会在几天后开始考虑批评者是否也有道理。

7.The preceding example shows that the columns have a point of inflection within the height of each storey.前面例题说明在每一层楼的高度内诸柱有一拐点。

8.For the foreseeable future, banks will need to have a point of personal contact, so this job will not disappear altogether.在可预见的未来,银行仍将需要人员接待,所以这种工作总体上不会消亡。

9.Where the protesters have a point is the way in which governments have meted out favourable treatment to certain insider groups.抗议者们有一点说得在理:各国政府对某些内部利益集团给予了优待。

10.You know, you may have a point.你或许有你的观点,这或许就是现实情况。