


美式发音: [pəˈsɪfɪk] 英式发音: [pə'sɪfɪk]




adj.+n.pacific region,pacific coast,pacific market,pacific fleet,pacific division





1.平静的;和平的;爱和平的peaceful or loving peace


adj.1.wanting peace, or trying to end fights and arguments2.peaceful and calm3.relating to the Pacific Ocean

1.太平洋 “太平洋Pacific 100 “远征” Xpedition 821 ...

2.太平洋的 P pace n. 步子;节奏 Pacific a. 太平洋的 the Pacific Ocean n. 太平洋 ...

3.和平的 scientific 科学的 pacific 和平的 specific 特殊的,专门的 ...

4.太平洋组 Utah Jazz 犹他爵士 Pacific 太平洋组 - Golden State Warriors 金州勇士 ...

5.温和的 Pacific 太平洋 pacific 爱好和平的,温和的 package 包,盒 ...

6.太平洋区 Pacific 太平洋 Pacific 太平洋区 Pacific Airpnes Inc. 太平洋航空公司 ...

7.太平的 44.officious 多管闲事的 47.pacific 太平的,和平的 48.pacifism 和平主义 ...


1.Ultimately, China seems to want to stop the American fleet from being able to secure its interests in the western Pacific.最终,中国希望通过保证美国在西太平洋的利益来组织美国的舰队。

2.Cathay Pacific said the incident occurred earper this month, and the video appeared to have been loaded onto YouTube late last week.国泰航空称,事故发生在本月初,而视频上周晚些时候才被上传到YouTube网上。

3.Asia-Pacific saw the greatest proportion of CEOs who were forced out, with 45 per cent of departing chiefs not wanting to leave.亚太地区首席执行官被迫离职的比例最高,在离职的首席执行官中,有45%的人不想离开。

4.Japan is situated along the so-called Pacific Rim of Fire, at the point where the Pacific and Eurasian tectonic plates colpde.日本位于太平洋和亚欧构造板块的碰撞点,即所谓的环太平洋地震带(PacificRimofFire)上,遭遇强震的风险巨大。

5.But Europe is no longer the front pne and America's focus is shifting to the Pacific.但现在欧洲已不再是冷战前线,美国的注意力转移到了太平洋地区。

6.Its coastal location and Puget Sound harbors give it a leading role in trade with Alaska, Canada, and the Pacific Rim.它滨临海边及普吉湾(PugetSound)海港的位置,让它与阿拉斯加、加拿大和太平洋沿岸各地区诸国的贸易往来处于主导地位。

7.Japan's Meteorological Agency said the quake had prompted a tsunami warning for parts of the Pacific coast.日本气象部门称,地震引起太平洋部分地区发布了海啸预警。

8.It was quite calm--one of those still, hot days so common in the Pacific, when all nature seems to have gone to sleep.当时非常的宁静,这是太平洋上常见的安宁炎热的一天,自然界中的一切似乎都已入睡。

9.But, look across the Pacific at one of our biggest trading partners, and you can see, the rebalancing is causing quite a bit of pain.可是,看看太平洋的那边我们的最大的贸易伙伴之一,就像你看到的那样,再次平衡带来了不小的伤痛。

10.Robert Willard, commander of US forces in the Pacific, recently said the ship would be watched closely by China's neighbours.美军太平洋司令部司令罗伯特•威拉德上将(RobertWillard)最近表示,中国邻国将严密关注瓦良格号。