


美式发音: [ˈklæsˌrum] 英式发音: [ˈklɑːsˌruːm]



复数:classrooms  同义词

n.schoolroom,lecture theater,lecture theatre,lecture hall,laboratory



1.教室;课堂a room where a class of children or students is taught

classroom activities课堂活动

the use of computers in the classroom在课堂使用计算机


n.1.a room where you have classes in a school2.the activities and methods involved in teaching

1.教室 hallway 走廊;过道 classroom 教室 fight 打架;争吵 ...

2.课室 classmate n. 同班同学 classroom n. 教室,课堂 claw n. 爪,脚爪,螯 ...

4.上课教室 星期节次 Day/Session 上课教室 Classroom 科目代码 Course Code ...

5.课堂式 Banquet 宴会式 Classroom 课堂式 Theatre 戏院式 ...

6.教室型 功能厅 Function Room 教室型 Classroom 剧场型 Theatre ...

7.班级 our 我们的 classroom 班级 blackboard 黑板 ...

8.教师 kitchen 厨房 classroom 教师 computer room 计算机教室 ...


1.For the sake of Jesus, they had not been able to renounce, for one short day the sinful pleasure of talking in the classroom!看在耶稣的份上,这都是由于她们一天在课堂上说话的罪恶的快乐!

2.To her surprise, she found herself in a classroom that had been turned into a makeshift teahouse - complete with fancy tea sets.她原以为要坐在课桌前死盯着黑板,后来却惊喜地发现,教室竟然被装饰成一个临时茶室,布满了精致茶具。

3.In my dream she was out of my classroom and told me that she'd got a boyfriend, and they had just got steady.梦中,她来到了我们班级的外面,然后告诉我,她有男朋友了,是刚有的。

4.After Mr. Harris said he would not tolerate any more noise, there was complete silence in the classroom.当哈里斯老师说他将不再容忍任何吵闹声时,教室里一片鸦雀无声。

5.this thesis discusses the classroom test used for review and drilpng in class is an efficient way of improving the teaching quapty.本文通过对课前复习和课后操练两个基本环节中随堂测试的运用来探讨恰当的随堂测试是提高课堂教学质量的有效途径。

6.He said he had heard a noise outside of the classroom.他说他听见教室外有一声音…

7.He made most of his friends while playing football or hanging out in a bar - not in the classroom.他的朋友大都是踢足球或去酒吧玩儿的时候结交的,而不是在教室里。

8.When the teacher came into the classroom, he was trying to take off the ridiculous behavior of the teacher in class.当老师走进教室的时候,他正在模仿那个老师在课堂上可笑的行为。

9.But, she added, even after she had a classroom, she had no idea what might come of her effort to teach kids from the slum.但她补充说,即使她有了教室后,她并不知道她对贫民窟的孩子施教会得出什么样的结果。

10.You can turn any place into a stage, from an actual podium to a bar to the front of a classroom.任何地方都可以成为你展示自己的舞台,无论是真正的舞台,还是酒吧或是教室的讲台上。