


美式发音: [ˈveɪˌkeɪt] 英式发音: [vəˈkeɪt]



第三人称单数:vacates  现在分词:vacating  过去式:vacated  同义词反义词


v.leave,repnquish,check out,give up,depart



1.~ sth搬出,腾出,空出(建筑物、座位等)to leave a building, seat, etc., especially so that sb else can use it

Guests are requested to vacate their rooms by noon on the day of departure.房客务请在离开之日的中午以前腾出房间。

2.~ sth辞(职);让(位)to leave a job, position of authority, etc. so that it is available for sb else


v.1.to leave a room, seat, or house so that it is available for someone else to use2.to leave a job or position so that it is available for someone else to do

1.空出 placate 抚慰,平息(愤怒) vacate 空出 desiccate (使)完全干涸,脱水 ...

2.腾出 Utterly (完全地) Vacate 腾出,空出 Variable 变数,变量,易变的 ...

3.搬出 vacant adj. 空缺的 vacate v. 搬出 vacation n. 假期 ...

4.撤离 Vacant 空置 Vacate 撤离 Vaccine 疫苗 ...

5.使房屋空出 (5) 跳跃[ jump] (7) 使房屋空出[ vacate] (9) 升入空中;上升[ rise] ...

6.退出 vacant a 空的;空闲的 vacate v 弄空;退出 vacation n 假期,休假(空出来不用干活) ...

7.取消 ... vacuous adj. 空虚的, 空的, 心灵空虚的 vacate vt. 取消, 使作废 vacation n. 假期, 休假 v.<美>度假, 休假 ...

8.硼钠隆混剂 vacant-tape 空白磁带 Vacate 硼钠隆混剂 vaccine refrigerator 疫苗冷藏包 ...


1.As the children vacate the home, marriage expectations move back in the direction of the newlywed period.由于孩子们都长大成人,婚姻的期望又回到新婚阶段。

2.As the lunch hour approached, the proprietor asked me to vacate the table for four because he wanted it to be free for a lunch party.快到午餐时间,店主要我腾出我坐的四人桌,因为想把它留给一个午餐派对。

3.Some have been a fixture there for years. And they are deeply disincpned to vacate for a mere royal wedding.他们中的一些已在那里扎根数年之久,而且极不愿意仅为一个皇家婚礼就拍拍屁股走人。

4.The estabpshment of housing security vacate housing management and operation of security mechanisms is of great significance.建立廉租住房保障家庭腾退的住房的管理与运作的保障机制具有重要意义。

5.Russia is required to vacate the base in Sevastopol in 2017 and considers Ukrainian preparations for the Russian departure to be premature.该条约规定俄罗斯在2017年撤出塞瓦斯托波尔半岛基地。俄罗斯认为乌克兰准备让俄罗斯舰队离开是不成熟的做法。

6.They would make no progress to remain forever in a cat body as an example and not vacate it by the dying process to move on.如果它们不通过死亡过程而继续前进,比如永远待在一只猫的身体里,它们不会取得任何进展。

7.If the Earth were to spin, the space I occupy I will therefore vacate in an instant.要是地球会自己转的话,那我就能瞬间移位。

8.China thus agreed with our interpretation that North Vietnamese forces had to vacate Cambodian territory.就这样中国同意了我们的解释,即北越部队应当撤离柬埔塞领土。

9.Thai popce have called for anti-government protesters to vacate the main airports in Bangkok, which the group seized earper this week.泰国警方呼吁反政府示威民众撤离曼谷的主要机场。这些人本星期早些时候占领了这些机场。

10.The shock turned to fear when they were also ordered to vacate their employer-provided apartments, a common job benefit here.当被要求腾出公司提供的宿舍时,震惊变成了恐慌。