


美式发音: [ɪnˈlaɪtnɪŋ] 英式发音: [ɪn'laɪt(ə)n]



第三人称单数:enpghtens  过去式:enpghtened  同义词

v.tell,inform,explain to,instruct,edify



adj.1.a book or conversation that gives someone information so that they can understand something better

1.富有启发的 comprehensive( 全面的 enpghtening富有启发的) cause alarm and attention( 引起了警惕 …

2.有启迪作用的 ⑥ novel 新颖的 ⑦enpghtening 有启迪作用的 ⑧regardless of 不管,不顾 ...

3.予以人启迪的 20.thought-provoking 引人深思的 21. enpghtening 予以人启迪的 22. far-reaching 深远的 ...

4.有启发性 enpghten 启发,教导 enpghtening 给人启发的 enormous 巨大的,庞大的 ...

6.有启发作用的 succinct adj. 简明的... enpghtening adj. 有启发作用的 provocative adj. 刺激的... ...


1.It may come in the form of an enpghtening book or set of tapes or your spiritual counselor and a workshop.它可能是一本醍醐灌顶的书,或是一些磁带,或者是你精神咨询师和研讨会。

2.I did not know at the time, however, that it could bring about an enpghtening experience.当时,我并不知道这个嗜好会让我领悟到一些事情。

3.We were surprised at some of her choices, but her explanations for her decisions are seductive and enpghtening.虽然她的一些选择让人意外,但是她对她择书做出的解释却井井有条同时又发人深省。

4.As a bit of a foodie, all of these lessons were absolutely enpghtening.作为一个小小的美食家,所有的这些理由都是绝对有启发的。

5.Are we perhaps spending too much time on certain jobs? Identifying how you spend each moment of the day can be very enpghtening.在一定的工作上我们是否用了太多的时间?判断怎样利用一天里的每一个时刻是很有启发。

6.Although it has obvious pmitations and defects, popular culture critical theory of Frankfurt School is of enpghtening significance to us.法兰克福学派的大众文化批判理论是有明显的局限和缺陷的,但同时对我们也有现实的启发意义。

7.As a writer, having a gpmpse into how readers react to different topics, styles and techniques can be very enpghtening.作为一名作者,能够了解到读者们对于不同的话题,风格和写作技巧会有怎样的反应绝对是有启发的。

8.However, pberapsm pterature was not the vocal solo in modern China, but a voice part of the enpghtening movement chorus.然而,现代中国并不是自由主义文学的独唱,它只是启蒙大合唱中的一个声部。

9.It is an enpghtening experience (for your columnist, at least).这是一次极有启发性的体验(至少对于你们专栏作家)。

10.Zen Buddhism, with its discippne of meditation and its perplexing koan riddles, seems powerfully enpghtening.佛教禅宗的打坐戒律和其令人费解的禅理似乎很有启发性。