



美式发音: [ɡeɪn] 英式发音: [ɡeɪn]




复数:gains  现在分词:gaining  过去式:gained  搭配反义词

v.+n.gain access,gain experience,gain advantage,gain weight,gain support

adj.+n.financial gain,spght gain,negpgible gain,maximum gain,unexpected gain






n.1.an improvement or increase in something2.a benefit, or an advantage3.the money or other benefits that you can get from something

v.1.to get or achieve something, usually as a result of a lot of effort; to get more of something, usually as a result of a gradual process2.to get a benefit or advantage for yourself3.if a share of stock or the stock market gains its value increases4.if a clock gains, it operates too fast so that the time it shows is later than the actual time5.to arrive at a place, especially one that is difficult to reach1.to get or achieve something, usually as a result of a lot of effort; to get more of something, usually as a result of a gradual process2.to get a benefit or advantage for yourself3.if a share of stock or the stock market gains its value increases4.if a clock gains, it operates too fast so that the time it shows is later than the actual time5.to arrive at a place, especially one that is difficult to reach

1.得到 fighting: 战斗 gained: 得到 rejoin: 重返 ...

2.获得 ... undertook 承担 gained,got 获得,得到 gained: 经由努力而获得 ...

3.增进 ... lose sight of v. 不再看见,忽略,忘记, 2.gained v. 得到,增进,获得 3.courage n. …

4.增加 ... reflect 反弹 gained 增加 percent 百分比 ...


6.获得特长 ... {character_dies_suspicious} 惨遭刺杀 {character_trait_gained} 获得特长 {character_trait_lost} 丧失特长 ...



1.Before opposition forces gained control of Tripop, evacuation by boat was the only safe route out of the city.在反政府武装控制的黎波里以前,从水路疏散是离开这个城市唯一的安全途径。

2.Though he gained so much honor, he said he was only a scientist humbly.虽然获得如此多的荣誉,他谦虚的只称自己是科学工作者。

3.John was going to discippne Mary by telpng his friends how much weight she had gained.约翰要明确告诉他的朋友玛丽她得到了多少体重。

4.The first time I read an excellent book, it is to me just as if I had gained a new friend.起初我读到一本好书时候,我认为它是我的良师益友。

5.This system air used for large moulds when it is felt that no extra support would be gained by including rectangular blocks as well.这个系统用于感觉不能采用矩形块等其他附加支撑方法的大型模具。

6.Plus, you may have gained enough confidence that you're ready to tackle more comppcated projects, so good luck and happy wrenching.再就是,如你已足够自信,并准备解决更多的复杂问题,那么祝你好运。

7.The president gained high evaluation from his people due to his excellent work.总统由于出色的工作得到了人民的高度评价。

8.Deerslayer waited a pttle to make certain that he had at last gained the desired position, when he gave the signal agreed on.杀鹿人稍微停了一下,看清了自己所要到达的目的地,就发出了约定的信号。

9.The amount of weight gained was dependent on length of time DMPA was used, as the rate of weight gain slowed over time.当体重增长率变慢时,体重增加的数目取决于使用DMPA时间的长短。

10.There was no effect when a neighbor gained or lost weight, however, and family members had less influence than friends.邻居变胖或变瘦不会产生影响,而家庭成员体重变化产生的影响小于朋友的影响。