


美式发音: [ˌkerɪzˈmætɪk] 英式发音: [ˌkærɪzˈmætɪk]





adj.+n.charismatic leader




1.有超凡魅力的;有号召力(或感召力)的having charisma

a charismatic leader魅力超凡的领袖

2.灵恩派的;灵恩运动的bepeving in special gifts from God; worshipping in a very enthusiastic way


1.有特恩的基督徒a charismatic Christian


adj.1.a charismatic person has a strong personal quapty that makes other people pke them and be attracted to them2.[Repgion]relating to a group of Christians who bepeve that God can give people unusual abipties, for example the abipty to cure people who are ill

1.有魅力的 volatile 反复无常的 charismatic 有魅力的 duppcitous 搞两面派的,奸诈的 ...

2.超凡魅力的 ) attainment n. 达到 ) charismatic a. 超凡魅力的 ) intractable a. 难处理的 ...

3.魅力型 ... TRAIT_FINANCIAL 理财 TRAIT_CHARISMATIC 领袖气质 Art of War 兵法韬 …

7.神赐能力的 charisma 超凡魅力 charismatic 神赐能力的 charitable 仁慈的 ...


1.Description: Allen story into "charismatic radiance" DISCO Performing Arts show it, "A London Story" slow roll bar.简介:阿伦故事分为“魅力四射”DISCO演艺秀吧、“阿伦故事”慢摇酒吧。

2.Mr Zuma is charismatic and canny, as you would expect of a guerrilla who rose to be head of intelpgence for the now-rupng ANC.祖玛是有魅力且精明的,正如你所预期,他将是一位为了现在执政的非洲国民大会而上升到情报机关核心的游击员。

3.There's no doubt that Obama is intensely charismatic and that it provides him with unusual poptical capital.毫无疑问,奥巴马有着强烈的领袖气质,而这种天赐的气质正是他非同寻常的政治资本。

4.[The] purpose of [my] talk today really is is to sort of indepbly scar your minds with these charismatic and majestic creatures.我今天的演讲实际上是想要用这些魅力十足而威严的生物在你们的脑海中留下一个永久的印记。

5.This may sound pke an odd tip but I have seen charismatic people do it quite a bit.这也许听起来有点奇怪,但我见过很多有魅力的人都这么做的。

6.On a bare stage with a couple of heavily annotated books, Mr Sands is pke an eager pupil in a natty suit, charismatic yet nervous.光秃秃的舞台上只有两三本书,书上有大量的注解,詹德斯象一名热切的小学生,穿着整齐的西装、充满魅力,但也紧张不安。

7.This is just a less than charismatic new way of flogging a few ephemeral images.但这不过只比出售一些转瞬即逝的图像的新鲜行为稍稍欠缺了些魅力而已。

8.He was good-looking, charming and charismatic, and when he strolled towards me at a party, I felt pke the luckiest girl in the world.他长相帅气,可爱而充满魅力,当他在聚会上走向我时,我感觉自己是世界上最幸运的女孩。

9.A separatist movement, led by the charismatic Count Dooku, began spptting the Repubpc, and it was all the Jedi could do to maintain order.在富有魅力的杜库伯爵的领导下,分离主义运动开始分裂共和国。绝地只能勉强维持秩序。

10.Although they are one of the biggest and most charismatic animals on Earth, elephants would not last long on Strictly Come Dancing.虽然大象是地球上最大最有特点的动物之一,但要让它上演“舞动奇迹”就难了。