


美式发音: [ˈvɪɡər] 英式发音: [ˈvɪɡə(r)]








n.1.<AmE>Same as vigour2.mental energy, enthusiasm, and determination

1.活力 110 Resist Lightning: 抵抗闪电; 115 Vigor活力; 098 Might: 力量; ...

2.精力 viabipty n 生存能力 vigor n 精力 vigorous a 精力旺盛的 ...

3.居易 欣向 EDUP 居易· Vigor 中怡数宽 IP-COM ...

4.元气 vibrancy( 振动,活跃,响亮); vigor( 精力,魄力,元气); volcano( …

5.圣武士的活力光环 ... venom( 刺客的毒牙技能) vigor圣武士的活力光环) Viperfork-Mancatcher( 腹蛇叉- …

6.丰炜 三菱 MITSUBISHI 丰炜 VIGOR 松下 panasonic ...

7.精力,活力 triangle 三角形 2. vigor 精力,活力 3. naive 天真的 4. ...

8.力量在英、法、 德等语言中它的意义能使人联想到力量(vigor)、活力(vie)、 生长(growth)、雄伟(grand)。 根据语音象征的原理,元音|…


1.Adams' two terms as Vice President were frustrating experiences for a man of his vigor, intellect, and vanity.亚当斯两次被推选为副总统已经消磨了一个人的活力,智慧以及虚荣。

2.In spite of youth and wealth and a notable vigor of body, he was a solemn, conservative speculator as to what his future might be.他虽然年轻、富有、精力充沛,对于他自己的前途却是一个严肃、保守的观察者。

3.Can still see a group of look up at the sky has a dream of the children, is so naive, with green vigor.依然能看到一群仰望天空有着梦想的孩子们,是那样的天真,拥有着青春活力,让生活更加充满乐趣。

4.The UNCTAD survey says, together, they add up to triple threats to development, which have to be tackled with vigor.UNCTAD调查说他们合在一起对发展构成三重威胁所以不得不有力的解决他们。

5.Just over a year after the recovery started, its initial vigor has abruptly subsided, thrusting the world into a new period of uncertainty.经济复苏开始后仅一年时间里,最初表现出来的勃勃生机就陡然萎靡,世界经济再次陷入新一轮的不确定之中。

6.Do not use, will never grow if it wants to develop new business, there should be training new courage and vigor.不使用,永远都不会成长,企业既然要培养新人,就要有培养新人的勇气和魄力。

7.Bronzed by the sun. Full of vigor after a few days in the open country. Wonderful place to unwind. Come with me and get relaxed next year.皮肤被太阳晒成了古铜色。在开阔的乡村呆上几天全身充满了活力,真是个放松自己的好去处。明年跟我一起来这儿休养吧!

8.Heidi looked at me with what seemed to be a renewed vigor.海蒂看着我,似乎重新得到了活力。

9.Patient: I have not been feepng well for some time, I seem to be losing my usual pep and vigor.我最近一段时间感到很不好,好像精神和体力都不行了。

10.I was with her usual afternoon in a meeting, as well as exchanges, let me feel the honesty and vigor, and unremittingly honest go.我与她是在一次平常的午后相遇,乃至交往,让我感受到诚实的魄力,并坚持不懈地诚实下去。