


美式发音: [ˈvɔɪsləs] 英式发音: ['vɔɪsləs]







1.清音的produced without moving your vocal cords . For example, the consonants <eph>p</eph> , <eph>t</eph> and <eph>k</eph> are voiceless .


adj.1.voiceless sounds are produced without passing air over your vocal cords

1.清音 ... ) devoicing 清音化 ) voiceless 清音 ) unvoiced or voiced sound 清音浊音 ...

2.无声 vociferous 喧哗的,大叫大嚷的 voiceless 无声的 voile 薄纱,纱 ...

4.清音的 voiced 浊音化的 voiceless 不带音的,清音的 voicing 带音化,浊音化 ...

5.清音或不带声音 高升调 High rising 清化 Voiceless 气声音 Breathy voiced ...


1.It is what I have called a "voiceless voice" , something pke the voice of your own thoughts.我把这叫做“无声的话语”,有的时候他的话语就想是我自己的想法。

2.the child was born , was given to me - motionless , breathless , voiceless ; we thought it dead .孩子生下来了,交给了我,他不会动,不会哭,也不会呼吸,我们以为他死了。

3.One of the most vulnerable and voiceless groups of patients within American hospitals and institutions today are those who are dying.其中最脆弱和无发言权的群体内的病人的医院和机构美国今天是谁正在死去。

4.Making love to a 'motionless' or 'voiceless' mate is pke having it with a dead body.同“静止”或“无声”的配偶做爱,就好像在干一具死尸。

5.However, solutions which have empirically proposed for the problem Japanese voiced and voiceless plosives learning are scant.对此一问题,却很少有研究提出具体可行的解决方案。

6.voiceless, labiodental, fricative, aspirated, strong, long.清音,唇齿音,摩擦音,送气,强,长。

7.Go and sit in a grove or woods, with one or more of those voiceless companions, and read the fore-going, and think.请到树丛中或林地音坐下来,与无言的树木做伴,然后再把前面的那些话读一读、想一想。

8.FLORIBERT CHEBEYA, the head of a local NGO called Voice of the Voiceless, was found dead in his car on the morning of June 2nd.弗洛里贝尔•舍贝亚是刚果当地一个叫“无声的力量”的非政府组织领袖,6月2号早上他被发现死于车中。

9.As penumbrae, they are no more shapeless and voiceless; instead, in different ways, they perform their subjectivity and agency.身为罔两们,她们不再是无形与无声的,而是在不同的方式上,展现了她们的主体性与能动性。

10.His concept on "Voiceless opera " novel mostly uses his systematical opera theory, covering "popular" , "absurb " , "creative" .其“无声戏”小说观在很大程度上借鉴了他的颇具系统的戏曲理论,涵盖着“通俗”、传“奇”、创新等诸多内容。