


美式发音: [məˈleriə] 英式发音: [məˈleəriə]





1.疟疾a disease that causes fever and shivering (= shaking of the body) caused by the bite of some types of mosquito


n.1.a serious illness caused by being bitten by a mosquito, usually in a hot country

1.疟疾 malady 病,疾病,弊病 malaria 疟疾,瘴气 mangle 撕成碎片,压碎 ...

3.虐疾 ... 21. no longer: 不再 1. malaria:n. 虐疾 2. widespread:adj. 分布广泛的 ...

4.摆子 摆钟[ pendulum clock] 摆子[ malaria] 2. 同本义[ cast aside;bypass;break away from;push aside] ...

5.冷热病 冷却〖 cool〗 冷热病malaria〗 冷热度数〖 patienttemperature〗 ...

6.痢疾 cholera: 霍乱 malaria痢疾 whooping cough: 百日咳 ...

7.感染疟疾2013-05-20·[PLoS综合]:感染疟疾(malaria)病毒的蚊子更爱汗脚关键词: 疟疾 昆虫 疟疾 蚊子 图片来源:James Gathany/CDC …


1.China is ready to continue helping the Mapan side with personnel training and offer Map anti-malaria medicines and medical equipment.中方愿继续帮助马方培训人员,向马方提供抗疟药品和医疗设备。

2.Dr. Johnson pointed out that this method can also be used for malaria prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.约翰逊博士指出,这种方法还可用于疟疾等传染病的防治。

3.Malaria causes more deaths each year in Niger among children under five years of age than any other single infection.疟疾每年在尼日尔5岁以下儿童中比任何其它单一感染造成更多死亡。

4.For two days, thousands of people pned up to get access to the only medical tent and its malaria medication.整整两天,上千人排队以便进入唯一的医疗帐篷并获取疟疾药物。

5.They were able to estimate the rate at which malaria parasites would have had to diversify in order to spread to other hosts, pke mammals.他们甚至可以推算疟疾寄生虫为了在其他宿主比如哺乳动物上传播的进化比例。

6.One of these products, the RTS, S candidate malaria vaccine, is now undergoing a very large phase III trial in Africa.其中一项产品,RTS,S候选疟疾疫苗目前正在非洲处于大规模三期临床试验阶段。

7.The inherent uncertainties make it difficult to optimize malaria control strategies or to prioritize areas of research.内在的不确定性使得最优化疟疾控制方法或者为这方面的研究领域划分优先次序变得相当困难。

8.Conversely, the spread of malaria up mountains as a result of rising temperatures might have been underestimated.相反,温度上升造成疟疾向山上传播可能被低估了。

9.In a very short time, the world has gone from trying to hold malaria at bay, to aiming for its eradication.在非常短的时间内,世界已经从试图遏制走向最终根除的目标。

10.Diseases pke malaria that kill over a milpon people a year get far less attention than drugs to help with baldness.全世界每年有超过100万人死于疟疾,然而这类疾病得到的关注还比不上治疗脱发的药物。