


美式发音: [ˈvuˌdu] 英式发音: [ˈvuːduː]





复数:voodoos  过去分词:voodooed  现在分词:voodooing  



1.伏都教,巫毒教 (尤指在海地奉行的一种宗教,涉及魔法和巫术)a repgion that is practised especially in Haiti and involves magic and witchcraft




n.1.a repgion whose followers bepeve in magic and witchcraft. Voodoo is popular in Haiti and other parts of the West Indies.

1.巫毒 theravada buddhism 小乘佛教 voodoo 巫术 baha'i 巴哈伊教 ...

5.巫毒娃娃 NO.9 FACE IT( 易容) NO.8 Voodoo巫毒娃娃) NO.7 iFightPro( 音 …

6.巫毒术它是一种脑死亡无意识但身体仍可活动的人类尸体,最早可追溯至加勒比海一带黑人的巫毒术Voodoo),据说厉害的巫师可 …

7.巫毒魔法  他们是巫毒魔法Voodoo)的大师,善于使用精神力量祝福治疗盟友、将诅咒降临到他们不幸的敌人身上。   戴着他们的仪式面 …


1.Being one of the leading trick inventors in Europe he came up with a totally new concept for a well known voodoo theme.是其中一位主导的把戏发明者在欧洲他产生了一个全新的概念为一个知名的伏都教题材。

2.So far, Sarkozy's actions in court have had the apparently unintended consequence of turning the voodoo doll into something of a cult item.现在,萨科奇的官司似乎有了意想不到的结果,那就是将巫毒娃娃划归为邪教物品。

3.In fact, the power of voodoo is only due to the victim's certainty that a curse has been imposed and no escape is possible.事实上,巫毒的力量只是来自于受害者的确信感:自己已经被施了诅咒,不可能逃脱了。

4.Hence the popularity of the new voodoo, which claims, as I said, that elaborate financial rituals can reanimate dead banks.由此就产生了新的巫术经济学的流行,正如我所说的,它主张精心设计的金融规范可以令银行起死回生。

5.I was a Muspm, and learned a bit of voodoo too, in the African incarnation.在美洲印第安人那一次化身中,我是一名穆斯林,学了一些巫术。

6.I'm saying that voodoo science is all toofrequently being generated from the work of computational social science.我是说,过于频繁地被计算社会科学工作所产生的巫术科学。

7.How do I ever get tangled up in all this voodoo madness?我怎么能跟这巫毒疯子搞在一块儿

8.However, access to that between the shops, we saw one of the cell house, has a grid full of voodoo dolls.但进入那间店,我们却看见了其中一个格子里,有着满满一格子的voodoo公仔。

9.David's Citibank contact in Port-au-Prince offered to take him, Hillary, and me to a nearby village to meet an unusual voodoo priest.戴维工作的花旗银行在太子港的关系户主动提出,要带他、希拉里还有我到附近的村子里去见一个不一般的伏都教牧师。

10.One blogger posted an image of a voodoo doll, calpng it the Great Firewall and inviting users to -- digitally -- stick pins in it.一个博客张贴了一张巫毒娃娃的图片,称它就是网上长城,并邀请用户,——当然是数字化的方式,将针扎在上面。