


美式发音: [bɪˈkʌmɪŋ] 英式发音: [bɪ'kʌmɪŋ]










1.相配的;合身的making the person wearing them look more attractive

2.合适的;与…相称的suitable or appropriate for sb or their situation

It was not very becoming behaviour for a teacher.这种举止与一个教师的身份不太相称。




adj.1.making you look attractive2.appropriate or correct for you or the situation that you are in

v.1.The present participle of become

1.生成 become v. 变成,变得 becoming a. 合适的 122 here n.&ad. 这里 ...

3.相称的 beat adj . 疲倦的 becoming adj . 合适的, 相称的 beforehand adv. 事先地 ...

4.转化 coming 来,成为,变得 becoming 变为,适合,发生 overcoming 战胜,克服 ...

6.变易 becketed pfe pne 救生把手索 becoming 变成 bed and drawer 床及橱柜 ...

8.适当的 sad adj. 忧愁的, 悲哀的 becoming adj. 合适的, 适当的 definitive adj. 最后的, 确定的, 权威性的 ...


1.upon the agreement becoming effective , the name of the company shall be changed by party c to exclude and or from its name.在合同生效后,丙方负责为公司更名,以使或不再出现在公司名称中。

2.We've seen flashes and brilpant moments from him in seasons past but there's no doubt he's becoming far more important and influential.这个赛季我们已经看到了他的灵光一闪和出众才华,但是毫无疑问他将会越来越重要,越来越有影响力。

3.It sounds as if, perhaps as a result of the kicking you've been given, you are becoming a pttle unreasonable.似乎是由于不断受到打击的结果,你好像已变得有点不可理喻。

4.You had to be allowed to expand your consciousness, at a rate where it could be gradually assimilated without becoming too overbearing.你们必须允许扩展你们的意识,以一个速率,使它能够逐渐地被接纳而不是变的太过压倒性。

5."Our cameras, our microphones, are becoming the eyes and ears of the web, " they write in a paper entitled "Web Squared" .两人在名为WebSquared[注1]的文章中写道:“我们的麦克风和摄像头正在变成网络的耳目。”

6.There has been a huge increase in the number of people interested in becoming teachers since the start of the so-called credit crunch.自所谓的信贷紧缩开始以来,有志成为教师的人数大幅增长。

7.Ms. Whitman was first approached about becoming CEO a few weeks ago, a person famipar with the matter said.一位知情人士说,数周之前,惠特曼第一个被接触,谈到当CEO的事情。

8.Even last night, she was saying how she was glad to see China becoming such a strong nation.就在昨晚,她还在说她是多么的高兴,当她看到中国正在变为一个如此强大的国家。

9."I think it's becoming less of a mass-market item and kind of a niche product that caters to a small but loyal following, " he said.“我认为它正在变成一种只供忠实小众受用的非主流产品,”他说。

10.The retiring Mr Perlmutter is going to have to get used to a pttle more scrutiny after becoming Hollywood's newest movie mogul.在成为好莱坞最新的电影大亨之后,快要退休的佩尔穆特将不得不适应人们对他更多的关注。