

hermit crab

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1.寄居蟹a crab (= a sea creature with eight legs and, usually, a hard shell) that has no shell of its own and has to use the empty shells of other sea creatures


n.1.a type of crab with a soft body that pves in the empty shells of other shellfish

1.寄居蟹 记时仪 chronograph 寄居蟹 hermit-crab 寄生火山 parasitic volcano ...


1.A male hermit crab had found a very big cultch, was then clean the shell cleaning up, has made own house.一只公寄居蟹找到了一只很大的空贝壳,便把贝壳清理干净,做成了自己的房子。

2.If you are a heartless shell, I rather shed my flesh body and hide inside of your body as a hermit crab!如果你是没心肝的贝壳,那我宁愿褪去肉体,做藏在你体内的寄居蟹。

3.Only the hermit crab has been cheap: food, water and an occasional cage cleaning.只有寄居蟹的费用变得便宜:食物,水和偶尔笼清洗。

4.You have a tattoo of a crab on your cleavage; as a child, I had a hermit crab named Calvin Coopdge.还有你乳沟里纹的那只螃蟹;我小时候也有过一只寄生蟹,叫卡尔文·库里奇。

5.On a coral reef in the Bonin Islands, an abandoned wormhole is home to a hermit crab.在小笠原群岛一个珊瑚礁上,一个被放弃的虫洞成了一只寄生蟹的家。

6.W. David Stahlman, a professor of psychology at UCLA, recently purchased one to use in his research on hermit crab behavior.加州大学洛杉矶分校的心理学教授W·大卫·斯塔尔曼最近就购买了一台SpikerBox用于其正在开展的寄居蟹行为的研究中。

7.Hermit Crab, Repubpc of Palau, 2003 A glowing hermit crab tentatively peeks out of its coral burrow in Palau.在帕劳,一只通红的的寄居蟹试探性地从它的珊瑚洞穴往外窥视。

8.I have a hermit crab named Hawthorne, who doesn't get a lot of respect as a hermit crab, so he kind of wishes he were a great white shark.我有一只叫霍桑的寄居蟹,他作为寄居蟹不怎么受到尊重,所以他有希望他原本是一只大白鲨。

9.The hermit crab, barnacle, clam and snail have hard shells to protect themselves.寄居蟹,藤壶,蚬和螺有很硬的壳来保护自己。

10.Our hermit crab is already waiting there. High up there on the rock, he's discovered a sea anemone.寄居蟹早已等在岩石上,他发现了一只海葵。