




1.热烈祝贺 ... 2. Oh,congratulations! 噢,恭喜! 3. warm congratulations 热烈的祝贺 4. Congratulations,sir! 先生,恭喜您。 ...

3.祝贺别人喜事之词 ... [wife of a man with concubine] 大老婆 [warm congratulations] 祝贺别人喜事之词 ...

4.大喜 ... 喜事[ happy event] 大喜[ warm congratulations] 道喜[ congratulate sb. on a happy occasion] ...


1.We hereby extend to you our warm congratulations on this great victory of the working class and the Marxist movement in the United States.我们对于美国工人阶级和马克思主义运动的这个伟大的胜利,谨致热烈的祝贺。

2.Huaibei Mining on behalf of the party committee, Huaibei Mining, to be advanced collectives and individuals to express warm congratulations!他代表淮北矿业党委、淮北矿业,向受到表彰的先进集体和个人表示热烈的祝贺!

3.Warm congratulations to you on your good performances. I sincerely wish you have greater achievements at the next championships .祝贺你们这次取得的好成绩。衷心祝愿你们在下届锦标赛上取得更好的成绩。

4.I wish to take this opportunity to extend warm congratulations on your remarkable achievements.我谨对你们取得的卓越成就表示热烈祝贺!

5.Soon to be here today in recognition of the advanced collectives and advanced individuals express warm congratulations!向今天即将受到表彰的先进个人和先进集体表示热烈的祝贺!

6.My warm congratulations to you on your election as president of your company.我热烈祝贺你当选为贵公司总裁。

7.Let me begin by extending warm congratulations on the opening of the forum.我对论坛的召开表示热烈祝贺!

8.I wish to offer my warm congratulations on the opening of this conference.我代表中国驻英大使馆对会议的召开致以热烈的祝贺。

9.On behalf of China Disabled Persons' Federation, I hereby extend my warm congratulations for the convening of this forum!在此,我谨代表中国残疾人联合会对这个论坛的举办表示热烈的祝贺!

10.Warm congratulations on the city property to the Housing theory BBS completely several breakthroughs milpon !热烈祝贺焦点房地产谈房论市BBS帖子数突破百万!