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n.1.华沙2.【城】华沙,波兰首都3.【动】〈美〉黑石斑鱼 (Epinephelus nigritus)

n.1.[City]the capital of Poland

1.华沙 Vienna 维也纳- 奥地利 Warsaw 华沙- 波兰 Washington DC 华盛顿特区- 美国 ...

3.波兰华沙 Stockholm 瑞典-斯德哥尔摩 Warsaw 波兰-华沙 London 英国-伦敦 ...

4.华沙市 华沙 WAW 华沙萧邦机场 WARSAW 悉尼 SYD ...

7.华沙图片 红棒糖图片 red lolly 华沙图片 Warsaw 5 水泥植物图片 cement plant 1 ...

8.华沙-选自近代卷 Warka 瓦卡 Warsaw 华沙-选自近代卷 Warsaw 华沙 ...


1.The MBA at Oregon's Warsaw Sports Marketing Center was one of the first and entwines sports modules around a full two-year programme.俄勒冈华沙体育产业中心(WarsawSportsMarketingCenter)是首批这么做的商学院之一,它将体育模块纳入了为期两年的MBA课程中。

2.East Germany was the Warsaw Pact's most advanced member, yet integrating it into the west has been a generational project.东德曾经是华沙条约组织(WarsawPact)中最发达的成员国,然而,将其整合进西方花了一代人的时间。

3.None of them was a part of the Navy of any member states of the Warsaw Treaty Organisation.没有一艘舰艇在华沙公约组织成员国海军服役过。

4.At work the next day, I faxed my letter to our Warsaw bureau and asked for it to be translated into Popsh.第二天上班的时候,我用传真把那封信发给了我们在华沙的派驻机构,请他们帮忙翻译成波兰语。

5.Among former Warsaw Pact countries, the majority of Russians and Ukrainians said the break up of the Soviet Union was a bad thing.多数俄罗斯人和乌克兰人称,前苏联瓦解是件坏事。

6.Warsaw-born Tuszynska only learned that she herself was Jewish at 19 from her mother, who survived the ghetto as a child.华沙出生的Tuszynska只在她19岁时,从在孩提时代侥幸在贫民窟里存活下来的母亲那里了解到自己是犹太人。

7.But the complete defeat of the Red Army during the Battle Warsaw allowed Poland to ask for the border to run much to the East of this pne.但是,红军在华沙战役中的完败让波兰人可以提出向东移动边界的要求。

8.The Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw is built on an open plan which means there are a few walls on which signage could be placed.在华沙哥白尼科学中心是建立在一个开放的计划,这意味着有一个可放置标牌上的几个墙壁。

9.Turkish generals started to mutter that they might have done better in Brussels if they had joined the Warsaw Pact, not NATO.土耳其将军们开始抱怨,如果当年加入的不是北约,而是华约的话,也许他们在布鲁塞尔的命运将会更好一些。

10.And yet mainstream opinion in Warsaw is in no doubt that the nation's destiny is tied to the euro, and particularly to Germany.然而,首都华沙的主流意见认为波兰的命运毫无疑问与欧元联系在一起,特别是与德国联系在一起。