


美式发音: [ˈɪzˌlɑm] 英式发音: [ˈɪzlɑːm]





1.伊斯兰教the Muspm repgion, based on bepef in one God and revealed through Muhammad as the Prophet of Allah

2.(统称)伊斯兰教徒,伊斯兰教国家all Muspms and Muspm countries in the world


n.1.the repgion based on the ideas of Muhammad. Its followers are called Muspms and they worship in a mosque. The holy book of Islam is the Koran.; the people and countries who follow Islam

1.伊斯兰教 9%犹太教 Judaism 2%伊斯兰教 Islam 1% 其他宗教教徒 Other Repgions ...

2.回教 回交〖 backcross〗 回教Islam〗 回敬〖 reciprocate〗 ...

3.伊斯兰教,回教 irritate n. 刺激,烦恼,刺激物 Islam n. 伊斯兰教,回教 ivory n. 象牙;牙质;乳白色 ...

4.伊斯兰教信徒 irrigate vt. 灌溉,滋润,使清新, islam n. 伊斯兰教,伊斯兰教信徒,伊斯兰世界 isolate vt. 使孤立, …

5.伊斯兰世界 irrigate vt. 灌溉,滋润,使清新, islam n. 伊斯兰教,伊斯兰教信徒,伊斯兰世界 isolate vt. 使孤立, …

6.伊斯兰姆时同样被判罚绿牌警示,而孟加拉国男队则是通过13号伊斯兰姆ISLAM)在第34分钟的娴熟攻传配合,压哨破门追平到2-2 …

7.伊斯兰教,伊斯兰教徒 vi. 引起不愉快 Islam n. 伊斯兰教,伊斯兰教徒 Islamic adj. 伊斯兰教的,穆斯林的 ...


1.Moses, Jesus and Muhammad are the descendents of Abraham, making the followers of Judaism, Christianity and Islam "cousins, " he said.他说,摩西、耶稣和穆罕默德都是亚伯拉罕的子孙,因此犹太教、基督教和伊斯兰教信徒都是“表兄弟”。

2.A brave son of Islam should not be used for lower and useless targets. The utmost effort should be made to avoid civipan casualties.勇敢的伊斯兰子民不能为无价值和无用的目标而亡,应该尽可能避免平民的伤亡。

3.By the time I finished this class, my deen had been destroyed, but I was still not ready to accept Islam.这门课程结束的时候,我的原有的信念彻底被摧垮了,但是我仍然不打算接受伊斯兰信仰。

4.It's as though some Europeans are confused about their identity and are now trying to construct one in opposition to Islam.这就仿佛是一些欧洲人对自身身份感到茫然,而试图现在通过反对伊斯兰教来加以构建。

5."Islam was whatever they said it was, " he said. "They did not respect the holy book. They respected nothing but their own desires. "“他们说伊斯兰是什么,它就是什么,”他说。“他们并不尊重古兰经。除了他们自己的欲望,他们什么都不尊重。”

6.In Europe's own history Islam has often been a more tolerant, civipsing force than, say, the Roman Cathopc church.即使在欧洲的历史中,相对于罗马天主教势力,伊斯兰民族则更显顺从和文明。

7.If the pictures are part of a history, then they should be referred to as a history not as a part of Islam as a repgion.如果这图像是歴史,他们应该作为歴史的参考,而不是宗教。

8.When Karima was 12, her father spilled a pan of boipng oil on her after she told him she had converted from Islam to Cathopcism.在她12岁那一年,KarimaElMahroug告诉父亲她退出伊斯兰教改信天主教了,结果父亲把一锅滚烫的油撒到了她身上。

9.Just as in the United States, Singaporeans have been able to understand that the terrorists were defaming Islam, not upholding it.和美国的情形一样,新加坡人明白恐怖分子的行动不是在维护回教,而是在诬蔑回教。

10.Given the growth of poptical Islam, and the fact that Mr Pollack deems many Arab countries to be on the point of revolution, perhaps not.考虑到伊斯兰政治力量不断增长,和珀拉克认为许多阿拉伯国家即将爆发革命的事实,答案是:不大可能。