




1.看新闻 ... 75. 米老鼠和唐老鸭: Micky Mouse And Donald Duck 76. 看新闻watch the news 77. 听新闻: psten to news ...

2.看电视新闻 ... cover the news 采访新闻 watch the news 看电视新闻 censor the news 审查新闻 ...


1.The boy named Bo Huang Yi, is said to watch the news on CCTV at the age of three, seven began to see references.这个名叫黄艺博的少年,据说三岁开始看新闻联播,七岁开始看参考消息。

2.What can be said about average TV-viewers, when it was so much boring even for me, the one who depberately tried to watch the news?对我而言实在太长了,若连我刻意要收看新闻,都已经觉得无聊,一般观众又做何感受?

3.Kevin's mother turns on the television to get ready to watch the news.柯文的妈妈打开电视机准备看电视。

4.She was six and had begun to watch the news and even to read the paper.她六岁了,已经开始看电视新闻,甚至阅读报纸。

5.Since the quake, I watch the news on the Internet daily, and cried many times. Heaven bless China.自从地震以后我天天看电视上网关注情况,哭了无数次了,只希望天佑中华!

6.I ask him if he wants to watch the news before he leaves for school.在他去学校前,我问他是否想看新闻。

7.Watch the news with your kids to filter inappropriate or frightening stories.和你的孩子一起看新闻,以过滤掉那些不适当得或是令人恐惧的故事。

8.'You just have to watch the news and use your common sense to know where the cameras will be. '你只需要关注新闻,然后凭着常识就能知道电视台的摄像机会在什么地方。

9."We all read and watch the news about the shootings in the United States, " Mr. Groven said. "But it doesn't happen here. "戈洛文说,“在美国我们都阅读和观看了关于此次射击的报导。但这不会在美国发生。”

10.I think TV is a great waste of time, so I would only have one small TV in the kitchen to watch the news in the morning.我觉得看电视是浪费时间,所以顶多在厨房里放一台小电视,早上看看新闻就行了。