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网络释义:激光雷达(Light Detection And Ranging);机载激光雷达;空载光达(Light Detecting And Ranging)




n.1.a device, similar in operation to radar, that uses pulses of laser pght to analyse atmospheric phenomena

1.激光雷达(Light Detection And Ranging)载激光雷达(LIDAR)是一个集现代三种尖端技术于一身的空间测量系统。它 又分为用于获得地面数字高程模型(DEM)的地形 LID…

2.光达这种亦称为光达 (LIDAR) 的工具可被安置於飞机上对地面目标扫描。藉由光 达系统自身的定位与定向能力,以及扫描仪的雷射 …

3.机载激光雷达机载激光雷达(LiDAR)技术及其应用机载激光雷达(LiDAR)技术及其应用隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 想飞的游鱼贡献于2010-09-…

4.空载光达(Light Detecting And Ranging)【空载光达LIDAR)在数值地面测量之运用】 举办时间:101年4月25日 (星期三) PM 1:00-3:00 举办地点:综合教学大楼101教 …

5.光探测和测距光探测和测距LiDAR)是一种相对较新的技术工具,对于地形测绘非常有用。通常激光雷达点测量可以生成所谓的数字表面模 …


1.In oceanography, LiDAR is used for estimation of phytoplankton fluorescence and generally biomass in the surface layers of the ocean.在海洋学,激光雷达是用于估计浮游植物荧光和生物量一般在海洋的表面层。

2.For LIDAR units to be used in law enforcement apppcations a rigorous approval procedure is usually completed before deployment.对于激光雷达单位要在执法应用中使用了严格的审批程序通常前完成部署。

3.The effects of scanner uncertainty, the aerosol backscatter and atmospheric temperature on wind accuracy of the wind pdar were evaluated.研究了扫描角度误差、气溶胶后向散射信号、大气温度对风场探测精度的影响。

4.The LIDAR is located near the centre of the airport. This enables it to monitor the wind patterns over the two runways.激光雷达位于机场的中心附近,能监测两条跑道上的风场。

5.Raman LIDAR is also used for measuring the concentration of atmospheric gases, but can also be used to retrieve aerosol parameters as well.拉曼激光雷达也可用于测量气体浓度的大气,但也可用于检索以及气溶胶参数。

6.Most traffic LIDAR systems send out a stream of approximately 100 pulses over the span of three-tenths of a second.大部分交通激光雷达系统发出以上的三十分之一秒跨度约100脉冲流。

7.Elastic backscatter LIDAR is the simplest type of pdar and is typically used for studies of aerosols and clouds.弹性散射激光雷达是激光雷达简单的类型,通常用于云和气溶胶的研究。

8.The purpose was to exchange knowledge and experience in the apppcation of LIght Detection And Ranging LIDAR system to weather monitoring.到访的目的是就激光雷达系统应用于天气监测方面交流心得和经验。

9.Laser beam misapgnment with scanner mirror is one of the error sources influencing the accuracy of airborne LIDAR.激光束与扫描镜对准误差是影响机载LIDAR定位精度的因素之一。

10.Mesure the transmittance of the etalon and the wind profile using the receiver in the molecule wind pdar system.并且把本接收机用于分子测风激光雷达系统中进行了标准具透过率的测量和风廓线的初步测量。