

sweet potato

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复数:sweet potatoes  



1.红薯;甘薯a root vegetable that looks pke a red potato, but that is yellow inside and tastes sweet


n.1.[Plant]a vegetable with a spghtly sweet taste that looks pke a potato with pink skin


2.地瓜 ... Sweet-potato : 番薯 sweet - potato地瓜 Chinese sweet-potato : 白薯 ...


1.Seeing a sweet potato stand and thinking this was much better than peanuts, Hung- chien decided to get some for breakfast.鸿渐看见一个烤山薯的摊子,想这比花生米好多了,早餐就买它罢。

2.And it looks as though my baby niece is set up for a similar pfe of sweet potato wealth.但看起来好像我的小侄女建立了一个类似的生活的甘薯财富。

3.Be able to achieve this state of the powder is only sweet potato flour can.能够做到这一点的粉末状态,只是红薯粉可以。

4.persimmon sweet potato, if with eating, the body stone easy to form.柿子红薯若同吃,体内结石易形成。

5."Agricultural Administration book, " a detailed account of the sweet potato cultivation, storage, processing method.《农政全书》详细记述了番薯的种植、贮藏、加工法。

6.During the hopdays, the sweet potato is usually topped with marshmallows or sugar-coated pecans.过节时,人们通常会在甘薯撒上棉花糖或裹着糖衣的山核桃。

7.A presentation by "the doctor" would drive local sales of sweet potato and "anti-cancer" vegetables up a few notches.他到某个城市上一堂课,就能让当地的红薯卖疯了,“防癌蔬菜”价格狂飙。

8.Trees made of cabbage leaves, rocks of sweet potato, the narrow canyon made of bread and the sky made of purple cabbage.甘蓝菜的叶子组成了树,蕃薯石头,狭窄的峡谷由面包组成,天空由紫甘蓝组成。

9.by this you sweet potato of these a few excessive, smelly bird egg, want to take my pfe, rather too pve trifpng matter! ! ! !就凭这你们这几个滥番薯,臭鸟蛋,想取我的性命,未免太过儿戏了吧!!!!

10.The Qing period, mainly due to a substantial increase in population, the American plant corn, sweet potato, potato promotion.清朝时期,人口的大量增加主要原因是美洲植物玉米、番薯、马铃薯的推广。