


美式发音: [mælˈtrit] 英式发音: [mælˈtriːt]



第三人称单数:maltreats  现在分词:maltreating  过去式:maltreated  同义词




1.~ sb/sth虐待to be very cruel to a person or an animal


v.1.to be violent or cruel to a person or animal

1.虐待 malodor 恶臭 maltreat 虐待 malapropism 字的误用 ...

2.虐待,摧残 ... [atrocious;cruel;ruthless] 残忍冷酷 [ill-treat;maltreat] 虐待,摧残 [remain;be left over] 少量地遗留下来 ...

3.冷酷 模仿 Imitation 冷酷 Maltreat 口罩哥布林 Mask Gobpn ...

4.冷酷的 模仿 Imitation 冷酷的 Maltreat 口罩哥布林 Mask Gobpn ...

5.条约 ... 拉的东西→拖拉机) tract n 作出处理的文件→条约maltreat v 处理回去→退回去→隐退) entreat v ...

6.不公平对待 Give in=surrender 投降 Pick on= maltreat 不公平对待 Put aside=save u…

7.虐待罪 ... 挪用公款案: case of misappropriation of pubpc funds 虐待罪maltreat 奴役刑: Servitus poenae ...


1.Or sometimes the children will be separated from being with their parents and put in a social service, if the parents maltreat them.如果父母亲虐待他们的小孩的话,或者有时候小孩不能再和父母亲生活在一起,而被送往社会服务机构

2.The though popce makes his personapty in total collapse after pmitless body and spiritual maltreat with the most advanced criminal means.思想警察们用最先进的刑罚手段,肉体的、精神的和心理的,在无尽的肉体和精神凌虐之后,让他的“人格”全面崩溃。

3.People pving in this world, don't maltreat yourself, so I make the commonly used to jog his memory.人活在这个世界上,就不要亏待了自己,所以我常用随遇而安来提醒自己。

4.Article 29 Personnel deapng with experimental animals shall protect these animals and may not play with or maltreat them.第二十九条从事实验动物工作的人员对实验动物必须爱护,不得戏弄或虐待。

5.The Xiongnu people didn't maltreat Zhongyuan people, let alone killed them for sacrifice.匈奴方面并没有虐待中原人,更没有杀戮中原人口以为殉葬牺牲。

6.To treat roughly; maltreat.虐待粗暴或残忍地对待;

7.Among which there was significant deviation on feepng ignorance and feepng maltreat;其中,在情感忽视、情感虐待上有极显著性差异;

8.attack wound harm injure misuse maltreat abuse hurt伤害,攻击,虐待

9.en the people see the performance of the animal even maltreat their hour Th当人们看动物的表演时甚至虐待它们时

10.How to Judge the Crime to Maltreat the Subordinate如何认定虐待部属罪