



美式发音: [rɪˈvɪr] 英式发音: [rɪˈvɪə(r)]




第三人称单数:reveres  现在分词:revering  过去式:revered  同义词反义词


v.admire,respect,look up to,worship,venerate




n.1.Same as revers

v.1.to have a lot of respect and admiration for someone or something

1.崇敬 尊敬 Hornored 崇敬 Revered 崇拜 Exalted ...

2.尊敬的 revere 尊崇,尊敬 revered 可敬的,尊敬的 reverently 虔诚地 ...

3.被崇敬的 ... 8.tangible adj. 明确的, 确凿的, 实际的 9.revered adj. 被崇敬的 10.possession n. 领地, 属地, 殖民地 ...

4.妻子受人爱戴 ... Wife_is_Noble 妻子出身高贵 Wife_is_Revered 妻子受人爱戴 Wife_is_Ripe 妻子多 …

5.受人尊敬的 ... curtail 抑制,缩减 revered 受人尊敬的 albino 白化病 ...

6.受人尊重的 ... dependable 依赖性强 revered 受人尊重的 loathed 令人讨厌的 ...


1.The simian he was chasing seems to have arrived long before, and is revered there as a planetary forefather.他追逐的那只人猿似乎已久居该处,摇身一变,竟成了星球的开朝元老。

2.His reputation is largely inherited from his mother, revered for her probity.他的名声大多来自母亲,母亲因廉洁奉公而备受尊敬。

3.That the revered Nelson Mandela's rainbow nation is now turning to a man of Mr Zuma's stamp may sharpen prejudices about Africa.崇敬的纳尔逊曼德拉的彩虹之国现在变成祖玛一人的印章,可能会提高对非洲的偏见。

4.I take the conversation on to another presidency now held in revered regard by many Americans, that of Ronald Reagan.我把话题转到了另一位总统:受到许多美国人尊敬的罗纳德-里根(RonaldReagan)。

5.He may even have been a monk, for monks are known to have revered Gnostic texts and kept them in their pbraries.他甚至可能曾经是一位僧侣,因为众所周知,僧侣们很尊重诺斯替主义的书,并把它们保存在图书馆里。

6.Although Frankpn was revered as wise, he did not always come across this way.尽管富兰克林被尊为博学的人,但它并不总是给人以这样的印象。

7.What gives anyone to bepeve that a golfer (yawn) could ever hold such a revered place in the echelons of sports history?拿什么来让人相信一名高尔夫球运动员(没劲)能在体育史上拥有如此尊崇的地位和排名?

8.Forced to choose, the army preferred its revered place in Egyptian society to the survival of the man at the top.迫于选择,军队更喜欢首选场所在埃及社会成为在顶端生存的人。

9.God looked to Al and said, " I pke the way you think, come and sit at my left hand" . God then asked Bill Cpnton what he revered most.上帝看着戈尔,说:“我喜欢你的想法,过来坐在我的左手上。”上帝接着问比尔·克林顿他最崇敬的是什么。

10.In this city is one of the most revered temples, that of Apollo.阿波罗神庙是这座城市里最受敬仰的神庙之一。