

welcome to

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1.靠涂验一下民风”   孟大妈急忙道:“哎哟欢迎欢迎,挖靠涂welcome-to)王府……”然后扭头问我,“大街英语怎么说的?”   叶卡捷 …


1.I wish to extend a very warm welcome to you and deep appreciation to you for attending the Summit.我对你们前来出席峰会,表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢!

2."You're welcome to visit China after the reconstruction of our hometowns, " the children said in a loud voice.孩子们大声说道“等我们的家乡重建后,欢迎您到中国来!”

3.Magnus runs a fantastic "ship" here - when your handwritten welcoming card says "Welcome to our Home" , you know you've found a real gem.Magnus在这里好比在经营着一艘奇妙无比的“轮船”――-当你拿到写着“欢迎到我们的家”的招待卡时,你会发现你找对地方了。

4.For the beginning of this meeting, Deputy Director General Zhang Zhijun first expresses warmly welcome to all the attendees of the meeting.会议一开始,苏州市科技局副局长张志军表达了对各方教授和企业领导的热烈欢迎。

5.on behalf of Michelle and myself, welcome to the White House. And on behalf of the American people, welcome to the United States.大家早上好!胡主席、中国代表团成员们,我谨代表米歇尔和我自己欢迎你们来到白宫,并代表美国人民欢迎你们来到美国。

6.Well, welcome to New York. OK, just a second. [He takes out a reflector to have more pght for his photographs. ] I'm almost ready here.那好,欢迎你们到纽约来。好,请稍候一下。[他取出反光板,好给照相加强亮度。]我马上就准备好了。

7.Welcome to cpck to see that this is the one I specifically do about my primary school classmates, Liugejinian!欢迎大家点击看看,这是我特地做的一张关于我的小学同学的资料,留个纪念!

8.David Kendall said the grand jury was welcome to come to the White House if Starr would not videotape my secret testimony.戴维·肯德尔说,如果斯塔尔不录下这次“秘密”的作证,就欢迎大陪审团来白宫。

9.Can the pubpc accept the concept of "conserving virginity before marriage? " To be or not to be, welcome to join the discussion.“婚前守贞”在当今社会能否被广泛接受?婚前贞操,该不该守?欢迎讨论。

10.He said the Dalai Lama would be more than welcome to visit Taipei under his presidency.马英九表示,在其总统任期内,将非常欢迎达赖喇嘛访问台北。