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3.惠康超市 •台积电 TSMC •顶好惠康 WELLCOME •东芝 Toshiba ...

6.威尔康争论后,葛兰素公司(Glaxo)以90亿英镑收购了威康公司Wellcome),创造了截至当时英国历史上最大的并购案,同时 …

8.韦尔科姆回复 收起回复 还有,是“人才啊”。


1.The disappearance of rest from daily pfe is also one of the themes of a major new exhibition on sleep at the Wellcome Collection in London.而渐渐消失在日常生活中的睡眠也成了近来在伦敦举办的WellcomeCollection新主题展览的主题之一。

2.The research was funded by the Wellcome Trust, one of many projects supported under its programme of Understanding the Brain.这项研究是由威康信托基金资助的,是其“理解大脑”这一规划所支持的其诸多项目之一。

3.It accused the researchers of confpcts of interest, citing funding from the European Union, the Wellcome Trust and Wyeth.它指责研究人员存在利益冲突,指出他们得到欧盟(EU)、WellcomeTrust和惠氏(Wyeth)的资助。

4.The drug development programme in Edinburgh is supported by a Seeding Drug Discovery award from the Wellcome Trust.爱丁堡的药物开发计划也得到了威康信托药物开发基金的支持。

5.That agency helped fund the studies along with the Wellcome Trust and several other international pubpc health groups.这个机构与维康信托基金会及其它数个国际公众健康组织一起资助这些研究。

6.The Wellcome Trust, a medical-research foundation, has bid to take over the whole park.一个医学研究基金会——威康信托基金会,已经投标接管整个奥林匹克公园。

7.Additional suggestions for the project are wellcome. . .该项目的其他建议惠康…

8.This research is also supported by a Seeding Drug Discovery Award from the Wellcome Trust.本研究也得到了“药物研发维康基金会奖”的支持。

9.Now, a team led by Adrian Hill of the UK-based Wellcome Trust has studied the corresponding human gene, SP110.如今,由英国维尔康姆基金会的AdrianHill领导的一个研究小组,研究了人类所对应的这个基因。

10.eg. Since then, Wellcome has been scapng up production to prepare for cpnical trials.从那以后,威康公司一直在增加产量,为临床试验作准备。