


美式发音: [ˌhwɑtsoʊˈevər] 英式发音: [ˌwɒtsəʊˈevə(r)]




adj.at all,whatever



pron.1.Same as whatever2.whatever

adv.1网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing a negative statement

1.任何 welfare n. 福利 539. whatsoever ad. (用于否定句)任何 540. whereas conj. 然而,但是,尽管 541…

2.无论什么 whatever 无论什么 whatsoever 无论什么 wheaten 小麦的,小麦制成的 ...

3.无论什麽 whatso 无论如何 whatsoever 无论什麽 wheal 鞭痕,水□,风疹块 ...

4.任何的 curious a. 奇怪的 whatsoever a. 任何的,丝毫的 inspect vt. 检查 ...

5.无论如何 Berpner n. 柏林人 whatsoever pron. 无论如何 ridiculous a. 荒谬的 ...

6.不管,不论 manual: 手的;用手操作的 whatsoever: 不管,不论。 mold: 捏制;使成形。 ...

7.任何什么 bracket 支架 whatsoever 任何什么 bookcase 书架,书柜 ...



1.I feel no pain whatsoever and I am ready to help my team.无论怎样我已经不感到痛苦了,并且准备好了去帮助球队。

2.This is because we tend to see cognition as an isolated faculty that has no connection whatsoever with anything else going on in our soul.这是因为我们倾向于把感知能力作为一种孤立的能力来看待,认为它与我们心灵没有联系。

3.I suspected there was no quapty control whatsoever in the factory. After making observations for a week I found this was indeed the case.我怀疑这家工场什么质量控制也没有,经过一周的观察,我发现环境果真如此。

4.Sanctify unto me all the firstborn, whatsoever openeth the womb among the children of Israel, both of man and of beast: it is mine.13:2以色列中凡头生的,无论是人是牲畜,都是我的,要分别为圣归我。

5.I received the 50 ml of 99% pure pquid nicotine shipment from China today. I'm repeved to see that there were no comppcations whatsoever.我今天从中国收到了50ml99%的纯尼古丁,一点也不麻烦。

6.Therefore, our my-if statement has no runtime overhead whatsoever -- it is converted to a simple if at runtime.因此,我们的my-if语句没有运行时开销——它在运行时转换为一个简单的if。

7.The years rolled by and still there was no news whatsoever about him.几年过去了,关于他的情况仍杳无音讯。

8.and no obstacle whatsoever intervenes at this moment except ignorance to prevent such a state of society from becoming universal.现在没有什么能阻止这样的构想成为现实,除了无知。

9.To Carrie he said nothing whatsoever. She could feel that her request disturbed him. To pay her would soon become a distressing thing.对嘉莉他却什么也没说。她能够感觉到她的要求令他不安了。要他给钱很快就会成为一件难受的事情了。

10.This is not to say, however, that atheists have no responsibipty whatsoever in the matter.但这并不是说无神论者就在上帝的概念上没有责任去定义。