


美式发音: [hwerˈbaɪ] 英式发音: [weə(r)ˈbaɪ]





1.凭此;借以;由于by which; because of which

They have introduced a new system whereby all employees must undergo regular training.他们采用了新的制度,所有的雇员都必须定期培训。


adv.1网站屏蔽ed for saying that something is done according to the method, arrangement, rule, etc. that has been referred to

1.凭什么 defend 保卫... whereby 凭什么 tilt 倾斜 ...

2.靠什么 whereas conj. 尽管 whereby ad. 靠什么;靠那个 whilst conj. 当...的时候 ...

3.借以 whereas 鉴于;反之 whereby 凭什么,靠那个,借以 whilst 当...时候 ...

4.由此 welfare 福利 568. whereby 由此 570. widespread 普遍的 ...

5.凭那个 sufficient 足够的 whereby 凭那个 commercial 商业的,商务的 ...

6.如何 whereas 然而 whereby 如何 wherefore 何故 ...

7.靠那个 whereas conj. 尽管 whereby ad. 靠什么;靠那个 whilst conj. 当...的时候 ...

8.借此 whereas 而,却 whereby 借此 wherein 在何处 ...


1.The dealership is starting a promotional campaign, whereby it is trying to push a two-year extended warranty to its past customers.这个经销店正在启动一个推销计划,试图向其老客户推销两年延保。

2.It had to do this because a general easing would not halt the domino effect whereby one firm's collapse caused a run on others.它之所以必须这样做,是因为一种总体的宽松无法中止多米诺骨牌效应(一家企业的倒闭导致其它企业纷纷倒闭)。

3.He thought the old system, whereby the Lord Chancellor tapped you on the shoulder and invited you to apply, had worked pretty well.他认为以前的任命方式,即大法官拍拍你的肩膀邀请你申请法官这一职位,一直成效显著。

4.God gets me into a relationship with Himself whereby I understand His call, then I do things out of sheer love for Him on my own account.上帝把我带进和祂自己的关系之中,从而我能明白祂的呼召,然后,出于对祂绝对的爱,我自己开始服事。

5.And it may happen in the next decade that cars may come on the market whereby some of your energy, at least, can be salvaged.下个十年里这种车,也许会上市,这样至少一部分能源,就能被抢救回来。

6.Injection Molded EVA (IM-EVA): Process whereby ethylene vinyl acetate foam is injected into molds to make it a bit more uniform and durable.射入铸造了EVA(IM-EVA):过程藉以乙烯乙烯基醋酸盐泡沫被注射入模子做它更多一致和耐久。

7.KB: Second sight is whereby a mind-control expert can see through somebody else's eyes. And I'm going to try that right now.KB:第二视觉是精神控制专家借助于别人的眼睛来看透东西.并且我现在打算试试。

8.For we are in danger to be called in question for this day's uproar, there being no cause whereby we may give an account of this concourse.今日的搅扰,本是无缘无故,我们难免被查问。论到这样聚众,我们也说不出所以然来。

9.The company's problem was that there was no trade magazine specifically for electricians whereby they could advertise the course.但该公司碰到的问题是,没有一家专为电工出版的行业杂志刊登这一课程的广告。

10.The process whereby the concentration of a standard solution is determined by titration of a primary standard is called a standardization.据此,该标准溶液的浓度是由一级标准滴定过程称为标准化。