


美式发音: 英式发音: 



比较级:whinier  最高级:whiniest  



1.哭哭啼啼的声音/语气a whiny voice/tone

2.哭哭啼啼的小孩/小子a whiny kid/brat


1.烦躁的 dazzing eyes. 明亮的双眸 whiny 烦躁的,爱抱怨的 backstab 陷害 ...

2.爱抱怨的 dazzing eyes. 明亮的双眸 whiny 烦躁的,爱抱怨的 backstab 陷害 ...

3.牢骚不断的 enema:n. 灌肠 whiny:adj. 牢骚不断的 congested:adj. 拥挤的 ...

4.好发牢骚的 accuse vt. 控告, 谴责, 非难 whiny adj. 好发牢骚的, 嘀咕不停的,烦躁的 intercept vt. 中途阻止, 截取 ...

5.爱发牢骚的 ... juicy 吸引人的,有趣的 whiny 爱发牢骚的 meddle 管闲事 ...

6.常发牢骚的 ... arrogant adj. 傲慢的 whiny adj. 常发牢骚的;爱抱怨的 pamper v. 纵容,姑息 ...


1.You could also send him on a site visit to your properties 200 miles away, where tenants are being whiny about their service charge.你还可以派他实地拜访你公司在200英里外的房产,那里的租户正对服务收费不停抱怨呢。

2.Let me offer you a different way of thinking about problems that's a lot more empowering and a lot less whiny.让我提供你一个看待问题的不同角度,这一角度多了积极进取,少了怨天尤人。

3.You hired him, so you must put up with his whiny voice but should coach him in the art of the snappy answer.你雇了他,因此你必须容忍他的嘀咕声,但应该运用巧妙的语言艺术教育他。

4.We've always found him to be a pttle whiny and self-pitying, but okay, who wouldn't be?他有点絮叨和自怜,但谁不是这样?

5.Real men eat meat, regardless of what their know-it-all, whiny physician says every year at the end of the check-up.真正的男人吃肉。他们才不管每年年末体检时候假装无所不知的医生的唠叨警告。

6.Sandberg and the female executives in the room said that they thought it risked being a "girl question" if it was asked in a "whiny" way.桑德伯格和其他几位同在会议室的女管理人说,她们认为如果这个问题是以一种“牢骚连连”的方式提出来的,那么它是在处在“女孩问题”的临界点上。

7.She had a small-town Southern accent . . . whiny.她操着南方小镇的口音。。。

8.Be careful about the tone of your voice. Keep it evenly moderated and avoid getting a high-pitched, whiny or tearful tone.对自己的语调要十分小心。使它保持均匀地…避免高嗓门、牢骚或哭腔。

9.You're not the useless, whiny, stuck-up, pompous, big girl's blouse I thought.你不完全是我想的那种一无是处,光会抱怨,高傲自大,华而不实的大姑娘。

10.A big soft Yao can still squeeze your whiny face into a pancake with his mighty butt crack!一个又高大又软的姚明照样可以用他的大屁股把你那张爱抱怨的脸给压成煎饼!