




1.睁大的眼睛 ... impression :n 印象, 感想,感觉 wide eyes 睁大的眼睛 a wide mouth 一张 …

2.大大的眼睛 ... 1. round-eyed 睁大的眼睛 1. wide eyes 睁大眼睛的 ...

4.宽眼睛 wide road = 宽的路 wide eyes = 宽眼睛 World Wide = 全世界(世界宽) ...


1.She looked at me with wide eyes that were almost alarmed. "I'm sure that part's coming, " she whispered.她瞪大眼瞧我,眼珠子都快被瞪出来了。“我向你保证那部分就快到了。”她轻声说。

2.As I returned to the picture, those two wide eyes began to say something different. Now they asked, "Do you know me? "当我转回到这张照片,那一双宽阔的眼睛开始诉说着不同的事,如今它们问道:“你了解我吗?”

3.The pttle girl who never seemed to notice anything stared at him with wide eyes.此时,这个对身边事物似乎从不在意的小姑娘,瞪大了双眼盯着麦克。

4.(2)She stared at him with wide eyes.她睁大眼睛注视着他。

5.Boy: When I was going to school by bus this morning, the conductor came along and stared at me with wide eyes as if I had not bought ticket.小伙子:今天早上,我坐公共汽车上学时,售票员走过来并睁大了眼睛注视着我,好像我没买票似的。

6.She stared at him with wide eyes.她用炯炯有神的大眼盯着他

7.Every kid in the class turned toward me with wide eyes and looks of total disbepef.班里的每个孩子都转过头,瞪大了眼睛盯着我,脸上满是难以置信的表情。

8.Boy: I looked at her with wide eyes as if I had.小伙子:我也睁大了眼睛注视着她,就好像我买了票一样。

9.Natasha looked with her big, wide eyes at Sonya as though not understanding her question.娜塔莎瞪大眼睛望着索尼娅,仿佛不明白她在问什么。

10.he saw with wide eyes , and he could tell what he saw.那过程他亲眼目睹,大有可讲的。