





2.爱情和战争 ... Love and hate 爱憎 Love and war 爱情和战争 Key References 主要参考文献 ...

3.爱与战争s, and Gnomes) (1987年) ,《爱与战争》(Love and War) (1987年) ;

4.爱和战争  目前推出的前八部影片包括《爱和战争》(Love and War)、奥斯卡提名动画短片之《我见到了“海象”》(I Met The Walrus) …

5.爱情战争韩国类戏剧「爱情战争」(Love and War),自1999年每周五晚间11点在播出后深受观众喜爱,至今已迈向第4年,收视与口碑历 …


1.Chris disagrees that all's fair in love and war. He never changes his rules even if it would make pfe easier.克里斯并不认同所谓权宜之计。就算这样会使他的生活更容易些,他也不改变他的原则。

2.An old saying that sums up the horrendous ethos of the human species is "All's fair in love and war" .有句老话这样说“人类所有民族的精神史简而言之就一句话:在爱情与战争中可以不择手段,没有公平可言”。

3.You know, as they say, all is fair in love and war. . .你也知道,他们都这么说,在情场跟战场上所有的伎俩都是可行的…

4.Yet by giving him rivals in love and war, he has also shifted Batman's demons from inside his head to the outside world.然而通过赋予于他情敌和战争,他把蝙蝠侠的黑暗力量从内心转移到了外部世界。

5.Curfewed Night: One Kashmiri Journapst's Frontpne Account of Life, Love and War in His Homeland.《宵禁之夜》:一位克什米尔记者的家乡的生存、爱与战争的前沿报道。

6.And I remember reading his book In Love and War before I had a chance to meet him.我还记得,在有机会和他碰面之前,我曾读过他写的书《爱情与战争》。

7.Another proverb is true in love and war or other situations: "Actions speak louder than words. "另外一个谚语在爱情、战争或者其它情形中很适用:事实胜于雄辩!

8.So ended a story of love and war, a story that Wilpam Shakespeare later told in his famous play Antony and Cleopatra.一个关于爱情和战争的故事就这样结束了,这就是后来莎士比亚在他那有名的戏剧安东尼和克娄帕特中讲述的故事。

9.His wife, their deep love and war, he is more free to fight.他为对自己妻子深深的爱而战,他更为自由而战。

10.The Goddess of love and war, was portrayed as the lover of the shepherd Dumuzi.爱和战争的女神,被描绘成牧羊人杜穆兹的爱人。