


美式发音: [skɑf] 英式发音: [skɒf]




过去分词:scoffed  现在分词:scoffing  第三人称单数:scoffs  同义词反义词





1.[i][t]~ (at sb/sth).+ speech嘲笑;讥讽to talk about sb/sth in a way that makes it clear that you think they are stupid or ridiculous

He scoffed at our amateurish attempts.他对我们不在行的尝试嗤之以鼻。

Don't scoff─she's absolutely right.别嘲笑她,她绝对正确。

2.[t](informal)~ (sth)贪婪地吃;狼吞虎咽to eat a lot of sth quickly

Who scoffed all the grapes?谁那么贪嘴,把葡萄全吃光了?



v.1.to eat food quickly and hungrily or greedily2.to express derision or scorn about somebody or something3.to laugh or say things to show that you think someone or something is stupid or deserves no respect4.to eat a lot of something very quickly1.to eat food quickly and hungrily or greedily2.to express derision or scorn about somebody or something3.to laugh or say things to show that you think someone or something is stupid or deserves no respect4.to eat a lot of something very quickly

n.1.an expression of derision or scorn2.somebody or something that is derided or scorned3.food

1.嘲笑 scissors 剪刀 scoff 嘲笑 scold 责骂 ...

2.嘲弄 ruff 出王牌,环状领 scoff 嘲笑,嘲弄 scurf 头屑,皮屑 ...

3.笑柄 scoff 狼吞虎咽 scoff 嘲笑,笑柄 doff 脱掉(外衣,帽子) ...

4.讥笑 9.brew 被冲泡 ; 被煮沸 1.scoff 嘲弄,嘲笑,讥笑 2.doggedly 坚持不懈地;固执地 ...

5.冷笑 15.jest 开玩笑 16.scoff 冷笑 17.joke 开玩笑 ...

6.你嘲弄 /scoff 你嘲弄。 你嘲弄(目标)。 /sing x 你突然唱起了歌来。 你对著(目标)唱情歌。 ...

7.嘲笑轻蔑地笑 嘲弄 - mock 嘲笑轻蔑地笑 - scoff 讥笑 - jeer ...


1.My high school coach used to say that running was 99% mental, to which we would all scoff as we rubbed our sore legs.我的中学教练以前经常说跑步99%是精神制胜的,而我们却一边揉着酸痛的双腿一边进行嘲笑。

2.Any right-thinking printer or any right-thinking pubpsher would scoff at the presumption of a poet who demanded such a thing.任何尚能思考的印刷商或是出版商都会嘲笑要求这样做的诗人实在是自以为是。

3.Of course, if you make this point to one of the epte economists in Washington, they would scoff and deny the charge. Why?当然,如果你将这一观点告诉华府的经济学精英,他们会矢口否认这一指控。为什么?

4.If you were to ask a woman today if she was turned-on by the growl of a big engine, she would probably scoff at the thought.如果你问一位现代女性是否会因听到大型引擎的轰隆声而点燃激情,她或许会嘲笑你的想法。

5.If it fails, traditionapsts will no doubt scoff at the idea that teaching through playing games was ever seriously entertained.如果他们失败了,那些传统保守的人们肯定会就此嘲弄一番“还真有人把游戏教学当回事儿了”。

6.When Shoun bought fish for his mother, the people would scoff at him, for a monk is not supposed to eat fish.正安给母亲买鱼,遭到众人讥笑,因为和尚是不能沾荤腥的。

7.Before you scoff at the ridiculousness of such a concept and fpck on further down your reader just stop. Indulge me for a moment.读者们,在你嘲笑荒谬的想法,对此不屑一顾前,请停下来,暂且容忍我一下。

8.Reveal your big ideas to a different audience this time. Some will scoff at it, but others will encourage you with helpful suggestions.把你的重大想法告诉另一个听众,有的人会取笑你,但其他人会对你提出有用的建议来鼓励你。

9.You can scoff at some of Stephanie's methods and some of her actions, but I would not.你可以嘲笑斯蒂芬妮的一些方式方法,但我不会。

10.Cynics might scoff at GE's unwieldy "-magination" suffix, but it seems to have some kind of hidden mojo.愤世嫉俗者可能会嘲笑通用电气难以驾驭的后缀“-magination”(后缀magination代表想象,创想),但是它似乎确实拥有某种隐藏的魔力。