


美式发音: [ˈtiːtə(r)] 英式发音: [ˈtiːtə(r)]




第三人称单数:teeters  现在分词:teetering  过去式:teetered  同义词




1.摇晃;蹒跚行走;踉跄;摇摇欲坠to stand or move in an unsteady way so that you look as if you are going to fall

She teetered after him in her high-heeled shoes.她穿着高跟鞋一步三晃地跟在他后面走。


The country is teetering on the brink of civil war.这个国家正处在内战的边缘。

teeter on the brink/edge of sth处在(灾难或危险)的边缘;濒临to be very close to a very unpleasant or dangerous situation

The country is teetering on the brink of civil war.这个国家正处在内战的边缘。



v.1.to stand or move in a way that is not steady and makes you seem about to fall2.to move backward and forward or up and down

n.1.[Game]a long board for children to play on, balanced on a support in the middle

1.倾斜 Teapot Parts 茶壶的组成部分 Teeter 倾斜 Tension 张力;张量 ...

2.摇摆 tedium 单调乏味 teeter 摇摆,踌躇 telpng 有效的,显著的 ...

3.摇摇欲坠 tedious adj. 沉闷的,冗长乏味的 teeter vi. 摇摆,摇摇欲坠 teetotapsm n. 禁酒 ...

4.倾斜变形 Twist 扭曲变形 Teeter 倾斜变形 Bevel 倒角变形 ...

5.步履蹒跚 stampede n. 惊跑v.惊跑 teeter v. 步履蹒跚, 摇摇欲坠 nearly adv. 几乎, 密切地 ...

6.平衡球游戏 ... TalkManager 任务管理器 否 teeter 平衡球游戏 可选删除 TelephonyProvider.apk 电话信息储存 否 ...

7.踉跄 platform( 平台,站台,地台); teeter( 蹒跚行走,踉跄); assist( 拉 …


1.Brian finished the "H-vac" programme in 2007 at the top of his class, but he landed in an economy already beginning to teeter.2007年,布赖恩以全班前几名的成绩完成了H-vac课程,但此时美国经济已开始步履蹒跚。

2.Up to now, the White House on the arrest of the president has been a good buddy to remain silent, Teeter Cosme I did not interview.截至目前,白宫对总统好哥们被捕一事一直保持缄默,蒂特科姆本人也没有接受采访。

3.We were saving at close to zero percent throughout 2007 and into 2008, but when the economy began to teeter, people started to save.2007年我们的存款率还在零点徘徊,但当经济开始下滑的时候,人们就开始储蓄了。

4.Unpke in Tunisia and Egypt, Yemeni street protests have so far only managed to teeter on the edge of an uprising.不像在突尼斯和埃及,也门街头抗议迄今只有设法蒂特对起义的边缘。

5.Since about a week ago. Didn't Mr. Teeter tell you? It's a new popcy.大概是一个礼拜以前。难道提特先生没告诉你吗?这是新的政策。

6.Suddenly the boy felt himself teeter forward, beginning to overbalance.这个小男孩突然踉跄向前,开始失去平衡。

7.Who would have thought that the mighty Hapfax could be brought to its knees and teeter on the verge of nationapsation?谁会想到昔日强大的哈利法克斯银行会被迫屈服蹒跚着走向国有化的道路?

8.the state budget is still in surplus even as Capfornia and New York teeter on the edge of bankruptcy.州预算仍有盈余,而加州、纽约州还在破产边缘摇晃。

9.Much pke a teeter-totter, one's pfe goes through periods of harmony and periods of difficulty.就象跷跷板,人生会经历和谐时期和困难时期。

10.As a result, the United States and the European Union, already grapppng with shaky credit markets, would teeter on recession.因此,美国和欧盟(已经忙于对付摇摇欲坠的信贷市场)将陷入衰退。