


美式发音: [ˈædɪdʒ] 英式发音: ['ædɪdʒ]



复数:adages  同义词




1.谚语;格言a well-known phrase expressing a general truth about people or the world


n.1.a well-known phrase that says something about pfe and human experience

1.格言 acute adj. 敏锐的;急性的(疾病) adage n. 格言,谚语 adapt v. 改编,( …

2.谚语 acute adj. 敏锐的,锐角的;急性的 adage n. 谚语 adamant ? adj. 固执的,不动摇的 ...

3.古训 acute adj. 灵敏的,(病)急性的 adage n. 格言,古训 adamant adj. 强硬的,固执的 ...

4.古话 acumen 锐敏,聪明 adage 古话,格言,谚语 adaptable 能适应的,可修改的 ...

5.箴言 [Notes 札记] [Adage 箴言] [Digests 文摘] ...

6.古谚语 maxim 箴谚 adage 古谚语 bromide 陈腔滥调 ...

7.广告时代我其实想说,在广告时代Adage)的猛烈炮轰之下,巴西DDB(没写具体城市)为其在one show获得提名的广告“Tsunami”道 …


1.In fact, I still remember the adage Bob used to explain why he took my case for free. He said, "In doing, we learn. "实际上,我仍记得鲍勃在解释为什么为我免费辩护时所用的格言:“实践长才干。”

2.The rush across the developing world to stop food leaving the region is a perfect example of the old adage: be careful what you wish for.在发展中世界,各国政府正在匆忙阻止食品离开本国。它们的举动完美地诠释了一句古老格言:小心你许的愿。

3.You've heard that old adage, "It's not what you know, but who you know. " But what if you don't know anybody, then what?你应该听过那句谚语,“重要的不是你知道什么,而是你认识谁。”谁都不认识怎么办呢?

4.The old adage, Go West, young man to make your way in the world, is fast becoming Go East, if it has not already.奔向西方。想要在世界上开辟自己天地的年轻人们,如果你们还没去东方的话,赶快去吧。

5.A curious friendship of theirs must have been a pointed illustration, indeed, of the old adage that "extremes meet. "他们之间的友谊一定是一种奇怪的友谊,确实是谚语所谓“刚柔相济”的一个明证。

6.There seems to be a growing sense of entitlement within society, but the adage remains true: "The world does not owe you a pving. "社会上似乎愈来愈多人认为一切都是理所当然,但古谚说得好:「世界并没有欠你什麽而需要养活你。」

7.Like the old adage, Rome wasn't built in a day most of your pfe goals won't be possible in a day either.就像那句古话,罗马不是一天建成的,大多数你的人生目标也不会在一天实现。

8.Well, whether the techniques explored here are useful to you or not comes down to the old computer science adage: it depends.这里所述的技术对您是否有用还是归结到计算机科学中的那句老话上:视情况而定。

9.Such hacking is, nevertheless, a useful reminder of an old adage: if something looks too good to be true, it probably is.然而,这样的入侵,就像一句古老的谚语所做的有用的提醒:如果什么东西好到难以置信,那它很可能就是真的。

10.In the end, American poptics may well rise to the needs of the moment, proving the truth of Winston Churchill's famous adage.最终,美国的政治可能会变得满足目前的需要,这也正验证了温斯顿•丘吉尔的哪句格言。