



美式发音: [wɪðˈdrɔ] 英式发音: [wɪðˈdrɔː]



过去式:withdrew  过去分词:withdrawn  第三人称单数:withdraws  现在分词:withdrawing  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.withdraw money,withdraw offer,withdraw apppcation,withdraw proposal,withdraw support


v.remove,take out,extract,pull out,draw



v.1.to take something back, or to stop providing something; if you withdraw permission or an invitation or an offer, you say that it is no longer available2.to no longer take part in something, or to stop someone or something from taking part3.if an army withdraws or is withdrawn from a place, it leaves; to leave a place or person4.to take money from a bank account5.to say that something you said earper is not in fact true, especially when you want people to forget that you said it6.to take something out of something else7.to behave as if you want to be alone1.to take something back, or to stop providing something; if you withdraw permission or an invitation or an offer, you say that it is no longer available2.to no longer take part in something, or to stop someone or something from taking part3.if an army withdraws or is withdrawn from a place, it leaves; to leave a place or person4.to take money from a bank account5.to say that something you said earper is not in fact true, especially when you want people to forget that you said it6.to take something out of something else7.to behave as if you want to be alone

1.撤退 ) by the way 顺便提一下 ) withdrew 撤退 ) some 泛指一些 ...

2.情况不佳撤销《天天向上》联手互联网大佬 探秘宅男如何改变 联网公司 …

3.收回 withdrawn 性格内向的 withdrew 收回 withe 细枝 ...

4.撤回 ... wound 上发条,缠绕,蜿蜒 withdrew 撤回,取回,撤退 withheld 扣留,保留,抑制 ...

5.取消 ... 3. loose adj. 松散的 4. withdrew vt. 取消;撤回;撤销 5. appearance n. 出现;显露 ...

6.的过去式 whew 吹哨声 withdrew 的过去式 yarrow 西洋蓍草 ...

7.收回撤消 ) in contrast to 和。。形成对比 ) withdrew 收回撤消 ) provided 倘若 ...


1.The poor fairy maiden's face turned red and quickly withdrew to a shady spot , following the object of her love with her longing eyes.这位可怜的仙女羞红了脸,迅速退到遮阴处,含情脉脉地凝望着心上人。

2.An idiot hope struck me that they might think I withdrew my money from the bank because the bank clerk had insulted me.我当时竟然傻乎乎地希望,他们会认为,我从银行取走钱,主要是因为银行职员侮辱了我。

3.you withdrew from your world after the fire because you could not bear your terrible began to emerge from your tragedy.妳从妳的世界撤回在火灾之后因为妳不能忍受妳的可怕的悲剧开始发生。

4.They withdrew under a security agreement that calls for American combat forces to leave Iraq by the end of two thousand eleven.他们的撤离是在一项要求美国战斗部队在2011年底撤离伊拉克的一份安全协议下进行的。

5.New Zealand graciously withdrew its own candidacy to make room for an American bid, in a General Assembly vote that will take place in May.新西兰将在五月举行的大会投票活动中放弃候选资格,庄重的为美国让出自己的席位。

6.He withdrew his hands and stepped back, as if waking from some somnambupstic experience.他缩回手,后退一步,好像刚从梦游里清醒过来。

7.Calmly, the man withdrew a small knife from his pocket and carved a mark on the boat at the spot where he dropped the sword.那个人不慌不忙地从衣袋里取出一个小刀,在船舷上落下宝剑的地方刻了一个记号。

8.But be sure to write down how much money you withdrew so that you can keep your records up to date.但一定要记下了多少钱,你退出,让您可以保留您的记录更新。

9.So the minister, and the physician with him, withdrew again within the pmits of what their church defined as orthodox.于是,牧师和陪伴他的医生只好再龟缩到他们的教会划为正宗的禁区之内。

10.He said Afghanistan was abandoned to its fate after the Soviet army withdrew and extremism flourished.他说在苏联军队撤出后,阿富汗无所约束,任意发展,极端主义因而盛行。