


美式发音: [woʊld] 英式发音: [wəʊld]






n.1.[Plant]Same as weld

1.山地 woke 的过去式(分词);醒 wold 荒原,山地 womanish 娘娘腔的 ...

2.荒原 woke 的过去式(分词);醒 wold 荒原,山地 womanish 娘娘腔的 ...

3.原野 woken 叫醒 wold 原野 wolf child 狼孩 ...

4.沃尔德 ... Withywindle 柳条河 地名 Wold 沃德 地名 Wood Hall 巨木厅 地名 ...

6.山林 n.单斜脊 wold n.山林,原野,林中空地 wold 基本词义 wold 2 ...

7.林中空地 n.单斜脊 wold n.山林,原野,林中空地 wold 基本词义 wold 2 ...


1.You must be thinking, he wold surely stop after running a while, there was no way he could finish running two rounds!你一定在想,他一定跑一下就停了,哪有可能跑完两圈!

2.Thus, one young wold was forced to leave the pack due to his ill nature.因此,一匹年轻的狼被迫离开狼群应该是它不合群。

3.Do not know if there are passion bus except for Sydney in the wold?不知道世界各地除了悉尼还有没有这样的激情巴士。

4.If they were some sad memories, pke the death of Carol's father, it wold be O. K. too keep it.如果他们是一些伤心的回忆像卡罗尔的父亲去世,它沃尔德是确定太保留。

5.If you never made a mistake, how wold you know that I'm Forgiving?如果你从无过失,你怎能知道我愿意赦免?

6.New sections have also been added on the Wold decomposition, partial autocorrelation, long memory processes, and the Kalman filter.新的章节,也增加了在黄木樨草分解,偏自相关,长期记忆过程,和卡尔曼滤波。

7.Shanghai Port handled 530 milpon tons cargoes in 2006, keep ranking first of the all cargo ports around the wold.2006年上海港货物吞吐量达到5.3亿吨,继续坐稳全球最大货运港口的宝座。

8.What am i in a wold so far away from home.远离家。在我的梦想里。我甚麽都没有。

9.Confidence building. Is the activity one that wold boost your child's natural talent, interest or confidence?这样的活动能够激发孩子的天赋,兴趣或者自信心吗?

10.Warm color tones reflect Nature. I separate out the fixed color of nature, and enter a lovely, harmonious, free wold.以暖色调反映自然,分开自然固有色,进入一个温馨和谐的自由世界。