


美式发音: [ˈwʊp] 英式发音: ['wʊp]




比较级:woolper  最高级:woolpest  搭配同义词

adj.+n.woolly coat




1.有毛覆盖的;毛状物覆盖的covered with wool or with hair pke wool

woolly monkeys毛茸茸的猴子

2.(informal)毛制的;毛的;似毛的made of wool; pke wool

a woolly hat毛质的帽子

3.糊涂的;混乱的;模糊的not thinking clearly; not clearly expressed

woolly arguments混乱的论点


1.毛料衣服;(尤指针织的)毛线衣a piece of clothing made of wool, especially one that has been knitted

2.a sheep




na.1.The variant of wooly

1.羊毛的 a string of 一连串 woolly 羊毛的,毛茸茸的 a scarf 围巾 ...

2.毛茸茸的 woolen 毛制品 woolly 毛茸茸的 wording 印字,语法,措词 ...

3.毛衣 针织衫 knitwear 毛衣 woolly 线衣 cotton ...

4.羊毛制的 woolly bear 灯蛾毛虫 woolly 羊毛制的 woolly-headed 头脑不清的 ...

5.绵毛 17.nuzzle vt. (用鼻、口等)挨擦 18.woolly adj. 羊毛覆盖的 19.mower n. 割草机 ...

7.像羊毛的 horn 角 woolly 像羊毛的 sniff 抽鼻子 ...


1.Blair's style notions were put to the test when he was asked to choose a pair of women's shoes to match grey shorts and a woolly jumper .布莱尔还当场接受了一个时尚品位测试,为一条灰色短裤和一件套头羊毛衫配一双鞋。

2.It is often said, one-third of seven people to work, woolly-headed in pfe, such discourse, but really still a virtue, a practice, right?人们常常说着,七分做人三分做事,人生难得糊涂,诸如此类话语,只是真正做到,仍需一份涵养,一份修行吧?

3.The elephant is the closest modern relative of the mammoth, a huge woolly mammal bepeved to have died out with the last Ice Age.一般认为全身多毛的猛犸象灭绝于上一个冰河世纪,而大象是现存的与猛犸象亲缘关系最近的动物。

4.T. rexes chasing woolly mammoths? "Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs" ? What? Dawn of the dinosaurs? In the Ice Age? You've got to be kidding.继续看下去,雷克斯猫追捕毛象?冰河世纪:恐龙的黎明?什么?恐龙的黎明?在冰河世纪?这是开玩笑吧?。

5.The divergence of the two species took place around the time of the divergence of Asian elephants and woolly mammoths.这两个物种的分歧发生前后的差异和长毛猛犸象亚洲象。

6.I recognised the smaller one from the day before as he was once again wearing a woolly hat despite the heat.我认出那个小一点的就是昨天看见过的,因为尽管天气很热,他还是戴了一顶绒线帽。

7.The mature coat consists of a dense, soft, woolly undercoat much pke the puppy coat, and a coarser outer coat that is wavy or curly.成年狗的被毛有两层,一层象幼犬被毛那样的、柔软、浓密、絮状的底毛,一层粗糙、高低不平、卷曲的外层披毛。

8.The idea is as much an invention of American think-tank eggheads as it is a woolly term of pride among plumage-puffed Chinese academics.这种看法既是美国智库智囊们的创造,也是咄咄逼人的(plumage-puffed参见译注1)中国学者之中的自豪感的一种模糊说法。

9.Ancestors of modern elephants pved on all continents except Austrapa. Ancient Asians were known as the woolly mammoth.现代大象的祖先生活在除澳大利亚以外的所有大洲。

10.Feel my fleece, it's woolly white. I'm snug and warm all day and night! Just pke Mommy!感觉一下我的绒衣,它像羊毛一样洁白,让我整日整夜都感到很舒服和温暖,就像妈妈一样。